Agressive Remote Control
PPFNTRACFACT, “The Protected Primary Focal Node Trusted Activity Controller Federal Access Control Technology.”
The two claim that this code was quite simply stolen from McKibben by the US Government in 2000 and that it was weaponized into a scalable way to control the entire Internet and before being handed over to what would become their controlled social media giants like Facebook, Twitter and Google.
Gabriel and McKibben claim that this source code will be implemented in the Internet of Things (IOT), which seeks to create a complete simulation of our reality by digitizing everything and making all things into nodes on the soon-to-be-launched 5G network as part of the Global Information Grid (GIG).
Gabriel insists that this network will not be a passive simulation that merely tracks and surveils everything but that the ultimate outcome of all of this is that humans will become controllable “wetware”, which is actually the specific word used in the 2,000-page “Big Brother” patent, known as the PPFNTRACFACT, “The Protected Primary Focal Node Trusted Activity Controller Federal Access Control Technology.”
This control grid has been decades in the making, with many familiar players involved. Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital financed several related technologies (Gabriel claims that “Unfit Mitt” is a deeply corrupt agent of the Bush crime family). Hillary Clinton’s Rose Law firm managed the patents involved (Gabriel describes Hillary, an infringement lawyer as the “Original Patent Troll”) and James Comey also represented some of these technologies as a lawyer.
Congress passed bill (2016) to Microchip Autistic Children
A while ago Congress passed this bill (below) to microchip Autistic children, etc. With these school shooting this legislation concerning microchips not only may refer to Autism but Autism Spectrum like ADHD, Bi polar etc. Not only was it agreed not to allow anyone with mental health records to get guns but now they can be microchipped. Due to the vaccines damaging the physiology, last I looked at least 25% of kids are on psyche drugs and growing. By & by the strategy appears to be that most people will be microchipped and generally most people will not be able to buy guns. That is the way they are going to do it. I tried to warn the NRA back then. This recent school shooting should accelerate their plan. And remember that this law is under law enforcement not HHS.
Blockchain Thinking : The Brain as a Decentralized Autonomous Corporation [Commentary]
Abstract: Reports on the concept of blockchains, a new form of information technology that could have several important future applications. One is blockchain thinking, formulating thinking as a blockchain process. This could have benefits for both artificial intelligence and human enhancement, and their potential integration. Blockchain thinking is outlined here as an input-processing-output computational system. READ MORE…