Tag Archives: Cannabis
Medical Tyranny: All Medical Marijuana users are disqualified to possess guns
Cannabis and Gun Control Policy
Christopher Morales, a California criminal defense attorney, provided some legal insight into this complex matter. “The Gun Control Act of 1968 prohibits anyone from possessing guns if they use or are addicted to cannabis,” Morales explained.
“The Gun Control Act of 1968 prohibits anyone from possessing guns if they use or are addicted to cannabis.”
The exact wording of the federal law prohibits any “unlawful user” or addict of cannabis (or any other federally restricted substance) from purchasing guns, even if that individual resides in a state with legal medical or adult-use cannabis laws.
A Nevada medical marijuana patient named S. Rowan Wilson challenged the ruling after she attempted to purchase a firearm for self-defense in 2011. When the gun store refused to sell to her, she filed a lawsuit challenging the federal statute against gun ownership by a lawful marijuana patient.
The case went all the way to the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals, where, on August 31, 2016, Chief District Judge Gloria Navarro ruled that a federal government ban of gun sales to abiding state-legal medical marijuana patients does not violate the Second Amendment. READ MORE…
Recently, the Honolulu Police Department in Hawaii has sent a series of letters to residents who use medical marijuana, informing them that they are disqualified from owning firearms, even if they were obtained legally and in compliance with state and federal law. If the medical marijuana users refuse to turn over their firearms, then presumably, they will face state-sanctioned violence until the guns are removed.
“This letter is to inform you that under the provisions of the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), Section 134-7(a) you are disqualified from firearms ownership, possession, or controlling firearms. Your medical marijuana use disqualifies you from ownership of firearms and ammunition,” the letter reads. It goes on to say that residents who use medical marijuana “have 30 days upon receipt of this letter to voluntarily surrender your firearms, permit and ammunition to the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) or otherwise transfer ownership.”
Mothers Advocating Medical Marijuana for Autism (MAMMA)
Mother’s Advocating Medical Marijuana for Autism (MAMMA) is an organization dedicated to promoting the medical use of cannabis for autism.
Medicinal Cannabis has thousands of years of safety and efficacy. Cannabis was listed in the US Pharmacopeia until 1942. It medicinal use was common place. Cannabis is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-psychotic and anti-epiileptic.
Australia MD – Grows medical cannabis
Medical Cannabis: Legal home delivery in all states
They have organized a legal structure based on the California Compassionate Care Act and the Obama Act re: Telemedicine. They offer appointments via Telemedicine physicians in California. You can either be a patient, a care giver or a member or all three. They had such an overwhelming response since being on the Gary Franchi show that they had to go on a hiatus for 2 weeks. But they now have a more expanded telemedicine service that should be on line at the end of next week.
I am guessing that you should sign up
Marijuana may be a miracle for Autism (Israel) (USA Today)
Cannibas/Autism demonstration-Before and After Cannabis
Use VLA affiliate #2072
www.cannasense.com/waiting- list
The above link is for your patients and friends to get an appointment for the California prescription. There are 3000 already on the list…but they say they are going to go through pretty quickly.
They also guarantee that if a patient gets a hard time from some locale that their legal team pays for the patients lawyer and consults to win the case all based on this as a constitutional and legal operation. Read the details on the website.
Cannabis commercially legal in all 50 states
Website: https://cannasense.com/
Contact Jordan Page JPage@cannasense.com
Cannabis and Autism (Before and After)
Autism & Marijuana (demonstration)
Cannabis: Meet the Plant that Can Defeat Some Strains of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

A 2008 study entitled Antibacterial Cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: A Structure−Activity Study found that cannabinoids have powerful anti-bacterial ability, including against MRSA. Read more…
If Cannabis Can Kill “Incurable” Brain Cancer, Why Is It Criminalized?
Pediatric Cannabis Studies
Source: Mykayla’s story
Cannabinoids induce incomplete maturation of cultured human leukemia cells (full – 1987)
Anandamide Induces Apoptosis in Human Cells via Vanilloid Receptors (full – 2000)
Is there a temperature-dependent uptake of anandamide into cells? (full – 2006)
Cannabis destroys cancer cells (news – 2006)
Cannabidiol inhibits tumour growth in leukaemia and breast cancer in animal studies (news – 2006)
HU-331, a novel cannabinoid-based anticancer topoisomerase II inhibitor (full – 2007)
Medical Marijuana Use and Research Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Statement (full – 2008)
Marijuana’s Active Ingredient Kills Leukemia Cells (news – 2009)
Marijuana compound could stop aggressive cancer metastasis (news – 2012)