David’s Story- Psyche Drugs & Pharmacogenetics
There is a field of research, Pharmacogenetics/Pharmacogenomics, that is rising to prominence, as we speak. St. Jude’s Children Hospital, the Mayo Clinic are some of the institutions leading the charge. Turns out that one size doesn’t fit all, after all. Vaccines contain excipients that must be metabolized by the liver’s superfamily of enzymes (Cytochrome P450).
Let’s take my family, for example. We are a typical middle – upper class, educated Caucasian family. We eat virtually only organic food. We meditate and are generally so healthy that we don’t have a family physician as we rarely have a need to go to a doctor. We are a combination of strong stock: Irish, Swedish, Polish, Danish. Our last child, a boy, was born in 1984. During that time until 2001, 15 of the 39 or so vaccines contained a mercury compound known as Thimerosal. This “heavy metal” compound was removed from all the vaccines in and around 2001 with the exception of the multidose flu vaccine that was distributed in the general clinics, to Medicaid dependent children and pregnant women of all stripes. However, by that time I had educated myself about the risks and benefits of vaccines. So, I did not vaccinate David.
At the age of 18, David went to the University of Iowa, similar to most colleges where prescription drugs are ubiquitous. Adderall was easily obtained, gladly shared by students who had been on Adderall in middle school and high school, some began as early as 5 years old. One day David, experimented in this revival ‘60s millennium drug culture with one dose of LSD.
Video Message to Dr. Yolande Lucire from David IMG_0044