Tag Archives: DTap

DTaP vaccine for Pregnant Women Adverse Events and AUTISM

Prenatal Tetanus, Diphtheria,Acellular Pertussis Vaccination and Autism Spectrum Disorder

      Adverse Events:

increased risk of lower birthweight
increased risk of preterm birth
hard selection against males
increased risk of gestational diabetes
increased risk of gestational hypertension
earlier need for prenatal care

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VLA COMMENT: First it was the flu shot despite Dr. Gary Goldman’s study that there was an increase of fetal death reports by 4,250%CDC recommends pregnant women get the whooping cough vaccine between 27 and 36 weeks of each pregnancy, preferably during the earlier part of this time period. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American College of Nurse-Midwives support this recommendation.

Invitro vaccine recomendations:

Some doctors may hesitate to immunize pregnant women, but the committee assures us this is due to the possibility for congenital anomalies or spontaneous abortions being falsely attributed to the vaccination. There are very few vaccinations contraindicated during pregnancy , and in some cases the benefits of the vaccination outweigh the risks. This is especially true in instances of military service or travel to countries where a disease is highly prevalent, occupations that present risks for exposure to a disease, and those who are immuno-compromised or chronically ill. (read more..)

Childhood DTP/ DTaP Vaccine Not To Be Trusted (Christina England)


“Because diphtheria and tetanus toxoids pertussis (DTP) vaccine is routinely given during the period of highest incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), this study was undertaken to determine if there is a temporal association between DTP immunization and SIDS. Parents of 145 SIDS victims who died in Los Angeles County between January 1, 1979, and August 23, 1980, were contacted and interviewed regarding their child’s recent immunization history. Fifty-three had received a DTP immunization. Of these 53, 27 had received a DTP immunization within 28 days of death. Six SIDS deaths occurred within 24 hours and 17 occurred within 1 week of DTP immunization.” [4]

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VLA comment: What about the TDap given inutero to pregnant women?