VLA COMMENT: And I mean “major” lawfirms
VLA COMMENT: And I mean “major” lawfirms
Objectives. We sought to investigate roles that Merck & Co Inc played in state human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization policymaking, to elicit key stakeholders’ perceptions of the appropriateness of these activities, and to explore implications for relationships between health policymakers and industry.
Methods. We used a series of state case studies combining data from key informant interviews with analysis of media reports and archival materials. We interviewed 73 key informants in 6 states that were actively engaged in HPV vaccine policy deliberations.
Conclusions. Although policymakers acknowledge the utility of manufacturers’ involvement in vaccination policymaking, industry lobbying that is overly aggressive, not fully transparent, or not divorced from financial contributions to lawmakers risks undermining the prospects for legislation to foster uptake of new vaccines.
The leptospirosis vaccine, Nobivac L4, is produced by Merck subsidiary MSD Animal Health, which says that despite its optional status, it is one of the most widely used dog vaccines.
According to spaniel breeder Bridgette Evans, every dog she has given the L4 vaccine to has suffered an adverse reaction. Out of one litter of six pups, every single one developed swollen glands, in some cases as big as tennis balls. One of the dogs died within three weeks of the shot.
Carol Blackburn-Harvey, another breeder, said her dog became “overbalanced” and unable to walk three weeks after getting the shot, and died soon after.
“Vets are not willing to admit or are in denial about the risk posed by the vaccine – it can kill perfectly fit and healthy dogs,” READ MORE…
VLA Comment: The sinister vaccine manufacturers have no bounds…
Merck falsified its mumps vaccine efficacy results, say former employees.
Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test results to fabricate a “95% efficacy rate” say former Merck virologists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski in their shocking False Claims Act document. Read more…