Letter to Senator Lisa Murkowski Regarding HELP Hearing “Vaccines Save Lives”
VLA Comment: A must read and coherent fact based summary of why people are concern or against forced vaccination. Vaccines Destroy Lives!
Letter to Senator Lisa Murkowski Regarding HELP Hearing “Vaccines Save Lives”

February 28, 2019
Senator Lisa Murkowski
522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Re: HELP Hearing, “Vaccines Save Lives”
Dear Senator Murkowski,
Fact #1. Vaccines are dangerous
Under federal law, vaccines are legally classified by Congress itself as “unavoidably UNSAFE products.” [1] That’s because there is nothing safe about injecting children, pregnant women, or elderly people with cell and DNA fragments from aborted male and female fetuses, human serum albumin, fetal bovine serum, monkey and canine kidney proteins, egg protein, chick embryo cells and fibroblasts, milk-derived raw materials, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, sodium chloride, neomycin, and polysorbate 80. [2]
Newer vaccines also include genetically modified ingredients and next generation vaccines are intended to permanently alter human DNA and the human genome. [3] [4]
As of November, 2018, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out more than $4 billion for vaccine-related injuries and deaths. [5]
Fact #2. Reduction in infectious disease does not equal improved health