Tag Archives: Stephens

Canada Supreme Court Orders New Trial for Non-vaccinating Parents Accused of Son’s Death

Canada Supreme Court Orders New Trial for Non-vaccinating Parents Accused of Son’s Death – New Evidence Points to Cover-up of Medical Malpractice

Almost from the beginning, the pro-vaccine lobby has seemed intent on blaming Ezekiel’s death on the lack of a vaccine. People involved on every level worked together to paint a false narrative of events.

The grieving parents were brutalized in the court of public opinion as wild distortions of the truth were propagated by the media. They were brutalized as well in the courtroom as witnesses lied, evidence was suppressed, and facts of the events were twisted to accuse the parents of harming their child.

There are parts of the story that the Stephans are only just now learning. Evidence is surfacing that support the parents’ version of events. Other evidence is coming out revealing that the corruption, malpractice, and wrongdoing go far deeper than anyone could have imagined.


VLA COMMENT:  Go David and Colette! Today you can’t trust doctors or dentists.  You can’t even trust the bank which, in the day, we thought would never make a mistake