Monthly Archives: September 2013

Global Transhumanism bankers plan robotic future: Nanotech, Biotech, Artificial Intelligence backers


Walking down the ramp to enter the plane for Poland at London’s Stansted airport, I was greeted once again by HSBC’s pervasive branding. However this time, the letters appeared above a large picture of a bumble bee . . . but the humble bumble didn’t look quite right; it had been half engineered into a ‘bee-bot’. In large letters above this unfortunate insect appear the words “In The Future – Nature and Technology Will Work as One”.
Read more…

VLA comment: Click this link to update yourself on our posts TRANSHUMANISM.…MAKE SURE YOU WATCH JASON SILVA..a young man focuses on influencing the Youth of humanity to entice them to entertain this movement and become “immortal”.  I suppose with this technology and Agenda 21 the elite can wipe out organic humanity.  This movement is backed by the following industries: Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence.  In other words…who is holding the switch?   I can’t even get my washing machine fixed, yet they expect to make us immortal.  And when our computer insert fails…are we going to go to the Nano hospitals? BAD ROBOT!  Most important I want you to know from personal experience….You do not want an immortal body without immortal consciousness!  That is called “Hell”.

DARPA (Dept. of War agency) slated for a 2 Billion dollar budget in 2014 is funding research that is producing artificial chromosomes.  Read more…

Watch the Nanotech movement:  Nano-tech Now site

Full Documentary on Transhumanism movement

VLA comment: “An immortal body without an immortal mind is the description of Hell on Earth. How many people today would you consider enlightened?  Are the “enlightened ones” driving this science?  Who is funding this science? Are they your enlightened leaders? As it concerns today’s medical research…science is based on fear and promotes sickness as in vaccines and rotating medicines.  At the very least, from the earliest age, vaccines and psyche drugs are physically and mentally disabling the emerging generations of humanity.  Are these beings the establishment’s pre-debilitated humans that transhumanism science would experiment on and immortalize in a bionic  body?  For I would think that the spiritually enlightened would rather experience the eternal platform of awakening & awareness of their essential immortality  and eternal consciousness in this lifetime on earth,  while glad to  experience changes that includes transformation through the natural portal of mortal death”….Eileen Dannemann, founder VLA and director of the National Coalition of Organized Women.




Transhumanism:In the latter half, journalist and author Daniel Estulin discussed how spectacular technological advances will soon transform humans into some other life form. The term TransEvolution indicates a change from human being to something new. “The generation of our children, the kids who are 15, 16, 17 years old, they are the last truly human generation…their children, and their children’s children will no longer be human;” they’ll be transhumans, cyborgs, and man-machines, he predicted. “We, as people of the planet Earth are standing on the cusp of the greatest change in the history of mankind…and people are simply unprepared for what’s coming,” he continued.We’re already beginning to see this evolution, he said, citing neurochip interfaces that could ultimately increase human intelligence to a large degree. He noted that a number of changes are outlined in the Strategic Trends Report (PDF), a document from the British government that looks as far ahead as the year 2040. Eventually, the goal of transhumanists is to move the human mind into a new vehicle, a humanoid robot controlled by a brain-machine interface. Estulin believes that the move toward transhumanism is part of a long range plan by the Elite, who seek to control and mold the human race, as well as reduce the overall population. How do you feel about transhumanism? Take the C2C Insta-Poll.

Mike Adams on HPV


The latest statistics on injuries and deaths linked to the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil, for instance, were recently compiled and published, and the staggering figures illustrate this point very clearly. As presented by Leslie Carol Botha on July 15 on her website, Holy Hormones Journal, the number of adverse events reported in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), now top 30,000 just for HPV vaccines.  Read more…






Steiner, Blavatsky, Besant: Arguments against vaccinations


Theosophical & Anthroposophical arguments against vaccination

Steiner quotes on innoculations

Steiner on the 1918 flu epidemic

Excerpt: Practically the entire population had been injected “seeded” with a dozen or more diseases — or toxic serums. When all those doctor-made diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic.

Annie Besant (President Theosophy) comment on innoculations & Theosophy

Madame Blavatsky (founder Theosophy Society)lecture on authority & vaccinations

Texas Ministry Under Scrutiny: 21 Measles outbreak: 6 Vaccinated

mzl.ufvgkmhs.175x175-75Of the 21 people who contracted measles linked to the church, 16 were unvaccinated. The others may have had at least one vaccination, but had no documentation. Read article…

VLA comment:  The 6 vaccinated cases are hardly mentioned as it pertains to the whole concept of the vaccine’s “effectiveness”.  Not mentioned also is that people who choose not to vaccinate actually encourage their children to catch the measles so that they have life long (emphasis) added immunity and develop a strong immunological system to fight other infectious diseases. Again, never mentioned is the fact that the vaccine measles virus is found in the guts of children with Autism caused by the MMR vaccine as found by Dr. Andrew Wakefield who has been royally crucified by the establishment in an attempt by the establishment to save the vaccine program from absolute ruin. On the contrary they continue to perpetuate the myth of Dr. Wakefield for their own ends.   The good news is the churches like this have taken a stand albeit under the radar until something like this gets the establishments attention.  It is too bad that the church doesn’t take a stronger stand by revealing the truth about wanting to have their children contract the measles…and welcome measles parties like the rest of us!  Read Dr. Rudolf Steiner (Founder of Waldorf schools & Biodynamic Agriculture & 1900s Christian mystic ; Madam Blavatsky (Founder of Theosophy) and Annie Besant (President of the early Theosophical Society) have to say about vaccines!