Monthly Archives: October 2013

David Healy’s new book: Pharmageddon is the Story of Tragedy

51a62h6NeLL._SL110_“In this startling book, David Healy argues that ‘evidence-based’ medicine—and a healthy dose of corrupt science—has led modern medicine off a cliff. His book is provocative, challenging, and informative, and ultimately it serves as a powerful manifesto for rethinking modern medicine.”–Robert Whitaker, author of Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America – See more

FDA approves research for Cannaboids (Marijuana) for Seizures, Inflamatory Conditions, Pediatric Epilepsy & Dravet Syndrome

cannabisFDA Approves Investigational Trials Assessing Cannabidiol For Pediatric Epilepsy
Washington, DC: The US Food and Drug Administration has approved two clinical trials to assess the efficacy of cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive plant cannabinoid, in the treatment of intractable pediatric epilepsy. The two approved trials will take place at New York Medical School and at the University of California at San Francisco, according to an online report in the journal O’Shaughnessy’s. The cannabidiol formulations in the trials will be provided by British biotechnology firmGW Pharmaceuticals, which produces organic cannabinoid extract medicines, including Sativex.  Will doctors throughout the U.S. be called on to submit INDs on behalf of pediatric epilepsy patients whose families want access to Epidiolex™?  Interested doctors should direct inquiries to GW’s Associate Medical Director at

Cannabidiol has been documented to possess a variety of therapeutic properties in preclinical models, including anti-epileptic activity. Clinical trials have shown the oral administration of CBD to be “safe and well tolerated” in healthy subjects.
In recent months, several national broadcasts have highlighted the use of CBD-rich oils to treat seizures associated with a pediatric form of intractable epilepsy known as Dravet Syndrome.  Read more…

Hercolubus, a comet-planet will bring great distruction and change to humanity’s substance

*Carlos Muñoz Ferrada (age 90), intuitive and gifted astronomer and seismologist, predicted with extraordinary accuracy numerous earthquakes in South America during the last century. He did this by making direct correlations between specific astronomical phenomena and various catastrophic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. His most significant prediction regards the “future arrival of a great Comet-Planet”.

The large gravitational field that brings this new star, which hasn’t penetrated for 13,000 years and that thirteen thousand years ago was the time of the lost Atlantis. It will bring great change.

It shows a triangulation on the video.

The three spots:

Northern Mediterranean Coast between France & Spain
Southern Pacific Coast between Valparaiso (Peru) and Arequipa (Chili)
Java, Sumatra, Borneo


HERCOLUBUS: The Greatest Mystery of the Third Millennium

September 11 “The New Pearl Harbor” 5 hour film on the disinformation of 911

Massimo Mazzucco’s 9/11 Documentary
The extraordinary 5-hour film by Massimo Mazzucco exposing the 9/11 official explanation is now available (see below). Information and documentation continue to pile up that 21st century history is largely an orchestrated disinformation event.

Review of “September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor.” A documentary by Massimo Mazzucco.
David Ray Griffin

This is truly the film we have been waiting for.
Availability: The film is freely available to the world at:
1. The film-maker’s own website, complete with detailed index:
2. On YouTube:


                  update  Click here
gmo-monsanto-350x250-ssAccording to a local press release, Acción Colectiva [Collective Action] aims to achieve absolute federal declaration of the suspension of the introduction of transgenic maize in all its various forms, including experimental and pilot commercial plantings, in Mexico, “which is the birthplace of corn in the world.”

Just when you think there’s no winning against the biotech industry,news out of Mexico City shows that all is not lost. After years of deliberation,a Mexico judge has placed an indefinite ban on genetically-engineered corn.Effective immediately, companies like Monsanto and DuPont/Pioneer will nolonger be allowed to plant or sell their corn within the country’s borders.
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VLA COMMENT:  It is about time! I hope it holds.  I wonder what the World Trade Organization (WTO) thinks of this move.  Will they penalize Mexico for creating a trade barrier?  American multinational biotech companies have destroyed Mexico’s great crop resource…CORN…the staple for Mexican food…tortillias, tacos, etc. I hope they can clear out the polluted GMO strains, some how.


31-150x150Dr. Becker:  How to Know If the Poultry in Your Pet’s Food Is Chicken… or Roadkill

Mike Adams, Natural News:

The true horrors of pet food revealed: Prepare to be shocked by what goes into dog food and cat food

Excerpt: Pet food manufacturers add dangerous preservatives and vitamin fortifications that actually make your pets’ food less healthy.

“Chicken by-products include head, feet, entrails, lungs, spleen, kidneys, brain, liver, stomach, bones, blood, intestines, and any other part of the carcass not fit for human consumption,” writes Henry Pasternak in Healing Animals with Nature’s Cures. Ann M. Martin describes the process in Food Pets Die For: “At the rendering plant a machine slowly grinds the entire mess in huge vats. Then this product is cooked at temperatures between 220 degrees Fahrenheit and 270 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes to one hour. The mixture is centrifuged (spun at a high speed) and the grease (or tallow) rises to the top and it is removed from the mixture.  Read more…

INDIA: 37 deaths from The Pentavalent vaccine (5 strains)

fc8e88d4e5a134921810f2beef8fff9fOn October 11, two children died in Kashmir after receiving the Pentavalent vaccine, taking to six the total deaths there in one week and to eight the deaths over the last three weeks.  These deaths come on the heels of a press release from the health ministry on October 10 that a committee that looked into the 15 deaths in Kerala after vaccinations has said they were not caused by the vaccine but were coincidental deaths. The press release also announced that the Pentavalent vaccine is to be rolled out nationwide. A week earlier, another ministry spokesperson had admitted there had been 29 deaths all over the country following the vaccine. The figure has now ballooned to 37.  READ MORE…

By the end of 2013, with GAVI (Bill & Melinda Gates) support, pentavalent vaccine will have reached a projected 200 million children in 72 developing countries.

Expanded Coverage

Since GAVI first launched the five-in-one pentavalent vaccine in Guyana in 2001, it has helped introduce it to 70 of the 73 GAVI-eligible countries, with the aim of reaching all 73 by the end of 2014. GAVI is now committed to immunising a further 224 million children with pentavalent vaccine by 2015. – See more at:

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Narcolepsy vaccine damage: 7 year old boy refused compensation-not damaged enough

sad-boy-500x300Josh was a healthy four year-old little boy until he received the H1N1 vaccine Pandemrix. Within two weeks of receiving this vaccine, his life changed forever. Left unable to play, walk, swim or even laugh without falling to sleep, Josh now receives a large cocktail of drugs just to enable him to stay awake.

Despite this tragedy, Josh has been refused compensation by the UK government because they say that he is not disabled enough.

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Military’s Prescription Drug Addiction and Soldier Suicide Epidemic


The pattern is relentless: young veteran, barely 30, over-medicated, and not only uncertain but grim about his future. He may still be married, but is likely divorced, possibly estranged from his children. His family frets over his physical and mental health, while taking careful note of his ups and his downs.

Then one day, he dies. The veteran may have taken his own life deliberately. In an increasing number of cases, however, he may have simply gone to sleep and never woken up following a fatal reaction to one of the drugs or cocktails of pills he was prescribed by military doctors.

49,000 veterans (all wars) killed themselves from 2005 to 2011—more than double the rate of the civilian population.

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VLA comment: Though all are affected and are degraded by the over aggressive drug prescriptions given to our soldiers, read why some commit suicide, some die in their sleep and some don’t. Go to link…