Monthly Archives: November 2014

Journal of Medical Case Reports: Aluminum & Altzheimers


Aluminium is a known neurotoxin and occupational exposure to aluminium has been implicated in neurological disease including Alzheimer’s disease. Here we present the first comprehensive and unequivocal data demonstrating significantly elevated brain aluminium content in an individual occupationally exposed to aluminium.   Read study…

VLA Comment: Then why would we be directly injecting aluminum into our children’s bodies via the childhood vaccine schedule mandated for school attendance?

Babies who follow the CDC immunization schedule are injected with nearly 5000mcg (5mg!) of aluminum by 18 months of age.  Read more…

STUDY: The Utility (Futility) of Hepatitis B Vaccine and the Risk to newborns


In the US, the Hepatitis B disease mainly infects intravenous drug users, homosexuals, prostitutes and promiscuous heterosexuals. The disease is transmitted by blood, through sex or dirty needles. How could a newborn baby possibly get Hepatitis B if the mother doesn’t have it?  New borns are injected with Hep B at 1-12 hours old and sometimes the hospitals don’t get permission from the parents.  Be sure to submit upon your arrival at the hospital to give birth,  a statement of record that you do not want your baby to be injected with any vaccines including but not limited to Hep B. DO NOT inject your baby with vaccines until you have done due diligence.  Breast feeding, organic food will be sufficient protection until you do your research.  So hold off.

Personal stories:

Lyla Rose Belkin was a lively, alert five-week-old baby when I last held her in my arms. Little did I imagine as she gazed intently into my eyes with all the innocence and wonder of a newborn child that she would die that night. Read more…

Study by  Rajeev Kumar & Jacob Puliyel, Head of Pediatrics,St Stephens Hospital Delhi 110054

Read study….open access

Three salient points emerge from their study.  Here are two:

1. Authors found that vaccination did not reduce hepatitis B carrier rate, which is the primary  aim of the immunization program.

2.  At 6 years of age, protective levels of anti-HBs antibody (10 mlU/mL) were present only in about 59% of those immunized. By 11 years, only 13% had protective levels. Read more…

Comparable to world literature, that without vaccination, a third of the population get infected and the vast majority clear the infection.

Watch this 10 minute presentation from Think Twice on Hepatitis B vaccine

Watch this presentation on “overdosed babies”.




German language: Ebola Reloaded


German website, KULTURSTUDIO

Seit einigen Wochen wird von den Leit-Medien weltweit eine unheimliche Angstpropaganda um Ebola verbreitet. Wie bei allen Themen, die der Mainstream extrem anpreist, lohnt es sich auch hier genauer hinzuschauen.
Der exzentrische Freigeist, Musiker und Buchautor Christian Anders gehört mittlerweile zu den prominenteren Menschen, die den Mut haben Lügen und Missstände glasklar an- und auszusprechen. Auf seinem Youtube Kanal beleuchtet er kritisch auf „andersche“ Art u.a. Themen wie Politik, Spiritualität, Geheimgesellschaften & Gesundheit  und versucht selbst Lösungsvorschläge einzubringen.
Angelika Müller, Mutter von 4 Kindern, ist eine Pionierin der Impfaufklärung. Sie ist Initiatorin der Bewegung EFI ( Eltern für Impfaufklärung . Sie schreibt unter anderem für die Kent-Depeche und den Impfreport von Hans Tolzin exzellent recherchierte Beiträge zum Thema Impfen und anhängende Themen wie auch Ebola.

FLU SHOT: 10 year old Florida gal still paralyzed after one year after receiving flu shot


A 10-year-old girl in Florida has been paralyzed for almost a year with a rare inflammation of the brain and her family is blaming a flu vaccine. According to Carla Grivna, her daughter Marysue was living a perfectly healthy and happy life until last year.

Study: More pastuerized milk drank…more likely to die!


Study Tracking Over 100,000 People Finds The More Pasteurized Milk People Drink, The More Likely They Are To Die

Milk is the only beverage still aggressively pushed on children as a health promoting food when it is the exact opposite – a disease promoting food. Drinking pasteurized milk is not nearly as good for general health or bones as the dairy industry has made it out to be. In fact, this fairy tale of “milk doing a body good” is being exposed more frequently by many independent scientists and researchers who have had just about enough of the propaganda. According to a large scale study of thousands of Swedish people, cow’s milk has a deteriorating effect on health when consumed in the long-term. The research was published in The BMJ.

read more…

Anita Moorjani Near Death Experience-Anita declines helping war against cancer

: Why I Don’t Support ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’

VLA COMMENT: ANITA MOORJANI’S NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE is one of the best articulated experiences that illustrates that conciousness creates form (informs). Not other way around. Her recent article in the Huffington Post highlights the seed problem with the health care system orientation aka Sick care system. I also do not support the war against cancer; a war that President Nixon declared after his stint with the HHS or was it the NIH finding out that the Polio vaccine injected into millions of people contained the cancer causing SV 40 virus. See our link concerning Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Dr. Mary Sherman leading to the war against cancer.

VLA is a preventative site regarding vaccines. Our position is that the health of the body, mind, emotion, mental and spiritual concepts in its ideal has all it needs to maintain wellness and that injecting foreign disease and toxic substances into the body of infants is basically evil. As well is the war on terror that creates terror in the mind body as in the flu pandemic and ebola propaganda. Fear is at the basis of all illness and our governments and industries are promoting that very idea. Read Anita’s message and enjoy her video interview. It is profound!



vaxkidActualmente existe una gran controversia principalmente en Inglaterra y  Estados Unidos sobre la relación causal entre la vacunación de la triple vírica y el autismo, siendo el componente agresor de la vacuna el virus del sarampión.


Páginas como Vacunación Libre se alinean con estas dos corrientes y defienden el derecho a optar sobre la vacunación, así como elegir alternativas como la homeopatía.

En los Estados Unidos un padre puede ir a la enfermera de la escuela y obtener un formulario de exención de vacunas. Los padres deben solicitar una ” exención religiosa ”