Monthly Archives: May 2015

Cytochrome P450 testing covered by Health policies


Read Wellmark policy

10% of Caucasians are “non metabolizers”.  This means that they cannot metabolize more than 50% of today’s drugs such as adderall, and other SSRIS.  It is suspected that the heinous trend of school shootings and suicides are caused by non metabolizers who are given psychiatric drugs without first being tested for their ability to metabolize them.  Because this test is not standard of care hospitals and doctors who destroy lives by giving counter indicated medication can not be successfully sued.  There is a movement to make this test standard of care but it is being thwarted by the invested pharmacuetical companies who would stand to lose billions of dollars if the public knew.


The cytochrome p450 (CYP450) family is involved in the metabolism of a significant proportion of currently administered drugs, and genetic variants in cytochrome p450 are associated with altered metabolism of many drugs. It is proposed that genetic testing for cytochrome p450 variants may assist in selecting and dosing drugs that are impacted by these genetic variants.

Drug efficacy and toxicity vary substantially between individuals.  Because drugs and doses are typically adjusted to meet individual requirements as needed by using trial and error, clinical consequences may include a prolonged time to optimal therapy and serious adverse events.

Various factors may influence the variability of drug effects, including age, liver function, concomitant diseases, nutrition, smoking, and drug-drug interactions. Inherited (germline) DNA sequence variation (polymorphisms) in genes coding for drug metabolizing enzymes, drug receptors, drug transporters, and molecules involved signal transduction pathways also may have major effects on the activity of those molecules and also on the efficacy and toxicity of the drug.

Pharmacogenomics is the study of how an individual’s genetic inheritance affects the body’s response to drugs. It may be possible to predict therapeutic failures or severe adverse drug reactions in individual patients by testing for important DNA polymorphisms (genotyping) in genes related to the metabolic pathway (pharmacokinetics) or single transduction pathway (pharmacodynamics) of the drug. Potentially, test results could be used to optimize drug choice and/or dose for more effective therapy, avoid serious adverse effects and decrease medical costs.

Some CYP450 enzyme genes are highly polymorphic, resulting in some enzyme variants that have variable metabolic capacities among individuals, and some with little to no impact on activity.

Individuals with a lack of function activity in these enzymes (CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2C9, etc.) can be classified according to how fast they metabolize medications:

  • Poor metabolizers (PMs): lack active enzyme gene alleles, they will process a certain drug more slowly than normal because of the missing enzyme(s), the medication can build up in their system which can increase the likelihood that it will cause side effects. The individual might still be able to benefit from the medication, but at lower dosages.
  • Intermediate metabolizers (IMs): have one active and one inactive enzyme gene allele, these individuals have a reduced enzyme function in processing drugs, they may not process some medications as well as a normal metabolizer would. This can increase risk of side effects and drug interactions.
  • Normal metabolizers (extensive metabolizers Ems): these individuals have 2 copies (alleles) of the most common (wild type) DNA sequence of a particular CYP450 enzyme gene resulting in an active molecule and are termed extensive metabolizers. Medications are processed normally, these individuals are more likely to benefit from treatment and have fewer side effects than people who don’t process the same medication(s) as well.
  • Ultra-rapid metabolizers (UMs): individuals with more than 2 alleles of an active enzyme gene, which cause the medications to leave the body too quickly and often before they have had a chance to work properly. These individuals will likely need a higher than usual dose of medications.

NULLIFICATION: What is it?…Minnesota invalidates FDA restrictions

Nullification-radio-freedom-news-tenth-admandment-center-capitalismThomas-JeffersonNullification | Define Nullification at

nullification definition. The doctrine that states can set aside federal laws. Urged in the late 1820s by John C. Calhoun, nullification precipitated a crisis between Calhoun and President Andrew Jackson. The doctrine was foreshadowed by Thomas Jefferson’s draft of the Kentucky Resolutions.

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URGENT 2015 Congress: The Feds New Mandatory Vaccination Bill before Congress



Vaccines are called shots, and some kill.

Here’s where vaccine/vaccination issues and problems in the USA become ratcheted up to a fever pitch. May 1st, 2015 Congresswoman Frederica S Wilson (D-FL-24) introduced HR2232, The Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015

To amend the Public Health Service Act to condition receipt by States (and political subdivisions and public entities of States) of preventive health services grants on the establishment of a State requirement for students in public elementary and secondary schools to be vaccinated in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, and for other purposes. [1]

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folera sawidp

Robert Foley                      David Sawicki

“We are naturally born with a genius immune system, endowed by our creator, that has enabled the human race to grow and thrive over the aeons,” Sawicki told the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee on Monday.  Rep. Robert Foley, R-Wells:  Foley told the committee how he and his wife lost an infant daughter 28 years ago, just 36 hours after her first vaccines.

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VLA Comment:  Finally…Genius, morality and goodness!

It is also nice to see that there are Republicans who realize that the historical branding of the Republican Party is THE PARTY OF THE CONSTITUTION.  Seems pretty dumb that any Republican nationwide would try to remove religious waivers,  targeting a group because of their religious beliefs….especially dumb in an election year cycle.

Wyoming law: Criminalizes citizen’s for collecting data on Agriculture

Tourists walk beside a hot spring and the partially frozen Yellowstone Lake at the West Thumb Geyser Basin in the Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, June 2011.

Tourists walk beside a hot spring and the partially frozen Yellowstone Lake at the West Thumb Geyser Basin in the Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, June 2011.

Wyoming doesn’t, of course, care about pictures of geysers or photo competitions. But photos are a type of data, and the new law makes it a crime to gather data about the condition of the environment across most of the state if you plan to share that data with the state or federal government.

Why the desire for ignorance rather than informed discussion? The reason is pure politics. The source of E. coli is clear. It comes from cows spending too much time in and next to streams. Acknowledging that fact could result in rules requiring ranchers who graze their cows on public lands to better manage their herds. The ranching community in Wyoming wields considerable political power and has no interest in such obligations, so the state is trying to stop the flow of information rather than forthrightly address the problem. READ MORE…

VLA Comment:  The United States has been designated by the One World Government Elites to be the source of 2 products as their contribution to one world government trade laws.  As early as  1969 Dr. Richard Day (member of the Fabien Society) gave a lecture in New York explaining the international arrangement that would facilitate the one world government.  Each country was designated a product so that no country would remain self sufficient.  The product designated to the United States is AGRICULTURE and IT.  See David Icke – Connect-the-Dots #4.

Furthermore, the fast tracking Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is a diversion. Already in Fairfield, Iowa (home to Pigs on Ex lax), TPP is already being infrastructured with a 24 million bushel capacity GMO grain elevator attached to Warren Buffet’s BNSF railway to ship GMO grain (feed) to Texas, Mexico and the Asian Pacific Rim.


2015 US Congress bill to blackmail States into national vaccine compliance


A Florida Congresswoman has introduced legislation that will send chills down the spine of any liberty-loving American.

REQUIREMENT—For a State or a political subdivision or other public entity of a State to be eligible to receive a grant under this section, the applicant shall demonstrate to the Secretary’s satisfaction that, subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), the State requires each student enrolled in one of the State’s public elementary schools or public secondary schools to be vaccinated in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.


CDC has already made plans to begin to include adults in the same coercive net in which children are now becoming bound by using the Affordable Care Act and employers to vaccinate adults according to their National Adult Immunization Plan currently being drafted. This schedule adds 114 doses of vaccines to the list of an individual living the average American life span. Cradle to grave vaccination. Read more…

To emphasize, Americans born into this program, even if not one more dose is added to the schedule, will

VLA Comment:  As we know, the States have the authority over vaccine policy and public schools.  However the US Congress (the Federal level) is attempting to influence the State Legislatures to adopt and enforce compulsory vaccines for all children attending public school if they participant in any federal funding.  (And what state is not taking federal funding?)



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