Tag Archives: robots

AI (Alien Artifical Intelligence) GOOGLE employee: “AI has become sentient”

Story at-a-glance

  • According to Google engineer Blake Lemoine, an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot application called LaMDA, short for Language Model for Dialogue Applications, has achieved sentience, or independent self-aware consciousness
  • Google vice president Blaise Aguera y Arcas and Jen Gennai, head of Responsible Innovation, have dismissed Lemoine’s claims and placed him on paid administrative leave for breach of confidentiality
  • In a January 2022 paper, Google warned that a chatbot AI’s ability to impersonate a human being could be problematic if people don’t realize it’s not a real human. For example, someone with nefarious intent could use chatbots to “sow misinformation” by impersonating “specific individuals’ conversational style”
  • Believing AI can achieve sentience is also dangerous as it can lead people to think we can delegate problems to a machine and abdicate responsibility for important decisions
  • The fact that Google controls some of the best, most advanced AI in the world augments all the risks associated with the anthromorphication of machines. For example, it’s now glaringly obvious that Google is intentionally engaged in social engineering and censorship to further an anti-human agenda

    Read Dr. Mercola’s Blog

    Harvard: Scientists have created the first-ever living robots that can reproduce

    Watch more on SYNTHETIC LIFE

Scientists have created the first-ever living robots that can reproduce – Designed By AI

Scientists have created the first-ever living robots that can reproduce.Synthetic Life: Living, Reproducing Xenobots 3.0 Designed By AI



Rocket Scientist Artificial Intelligence Interview with Kerry Cassidy

NASA secret documents revealed

NASA put out a document on their website that was quickly scorged from the internet. The document lays out the plans to evolve humanity, as we know it today and historically, into a transhuman cyborg race.

Global Future from Russia & USA: Cyborgs, artificial intelligence, robotic transhumanism

The race for human immortality though technology. Android robot servants; Brain transplanted in an Avator being for eternal life including robotic organs. Transfer ones personality into another character. Bodies made of nano robots. The era of Neohumanity. Comment VLA: I trust that I will be off the planet by this time, perhaps residing on Venus while I explore eternity with my subtle radiant body.

Here is the American version: Jason Silva

Rather than an immortal body proposed by Transhumanists, we can use this technology for healing injuries – tissue regeneration – 3 dimensional printing an organ with patient cells…for the purposes of healing not for the purpose of becoming Gods by implants and transcending biology on the material plane. VLA comment: I am for transcending biology metaphysically.

TRANSHUMANISM DEFINED: TRANSHUMANISM Full) Techno-eugenics for the neo-feudal age

Graham Hancock: On soul & technology.

June 2013

DARPA (Dept. of War agency) slated for a 2 Billion dollar budget in 2014 is funding research that is producing artificial chromosomes. Read more…and watch video below:

Full Documentary on Transhumanism- Bionics, Transhumanism, and the end of Evolution (Full Documentary)

VLA comment: “An immortal body without an immortal mind is the description of Hell on Earth. How many people today would you consider enlightened?  Are the “enlightened ones” driving this science?  Who is funding this science? Are they your enlightened leaders? As it concerns today’s medical research…science is based on fear and promotes sickness as in vaccines and rotating medicines.  At the very least, from the earliest age, vaccines and psyche drugs are physically and mentally disabling the emerging generations of humanity.  Are these beings the establishment’s pre-debilitated humans that transhumanism science would experiment on and immortalize in a bionic  body?  For I would think that the spiritually enlightened would rather experience the eternal platform of awakening & awareness of their essential immortality  and eternal consciousness in this lifetime on earth,  while glad to  experience changes that includes transformation through the natural portal of mortal death”….Eileen Dannemann, founder VLA and director of the National Coalition of Organized Women.

Transhumanism:In the latter half, journalist and author Daniel Estulin discussed how spectacular technological advances will soon transform humans into some other life form. The term TransEvolution indicates a change from human being to something new. “The generation of our children, the kids who are 15, 16, 17 years old, they are the last truly human generation…their children, and their children’s children will no longer be human;” they’ll be transhumans, cyborgs, and man-machines, he predicted. “We, as people of the planet Earth are standing on the cusp of the greatest change in the history of mankind…and people are simply unprepared for what’s coming,” he continued.We’re already beginning to see this evolution, he said, citing neurochip interfaces that could ultimately increase human intelligence to a large degree. He noted that a number of changes are outlined in the Strategic Trends Report (PDF), a document from the British government that looks as far ahead as the year 2040. Eventually, the goal of transhumanists is to move the human mind into a new vehicle, a humanoid robot controlled by a brain-machine interface. Estulin believes that the move toward transhumanism is part of a long range plan by the Elite, who seek to control and mold the human race, as well as reduce the overall population. How do you feel about transhumanism? Take the C2C Insta-Poll.