President Trump’s position on vaccines:
We have a Senate candidate who is powerfully with us on the vaccine issue. See below.
Attached is our vaccine survey response from Dr. Shiva, midterm candidate for Massachusetts against Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren
Powerful Voter Block to Push Trump Aligned Candidates Over the Edge #TrumpTAC (Trump Aligned Candidates video)
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Arvind Kumar <>
Date: Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 2:27 PM
Subject: Response of Shiva Ayyadurai to Survey
To: <>
Date: Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 2:27 PM
Subject: Response of Shiva Ayyadurai to Survey
To: <>
Not sure if you received this already, but below is the response of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai who is running for U.S. Senate from MA.
1) Are you aware of President Trump’s position on Vaccines?
Yes. The numbers I have show that it is a recent phenomenon that occurred during our lifetimes. This can be directly linked to GMOs and vaccines.
2) Are you in agreement that there is an Autism Epidemic?
3) Are you in agreement with President Trump that Vaccines can and do cause Autism?
We definitely need to have an open mind on this and study this problem. Instead of persecuting Dr. Andrew Wakefield, scientists should have investigated the issue. We also need to look into the link between GMOs and autism. As a person with a PhD in Biological Engineering, I will not put a political or corporate agenda above the safety of our children.
4) Are you in agreement with President Trump that an independent vaccine science and safety commission should be created to investigate the vaccine safety of every government mandated childhood vaccine?
Definitely. We also should not mandate vaccines just to create profits for the pharmaceutical industry. We need to investigate if lobbying led to vaccines being mandated and punish the corporate executives if this was the case.
5) Do you understand the support from Congress needed in order for President Trump to challenge pharmaceutical/medical interests?
I definitely understand the challenges and that is why you need me in the Senate. With four degrees from MIT, I understand this issue and am the person best suited to represent the interests of our safety.
6) Are you aware that a 1986 law gave all manufacturers and vaccine providers complete and full immunity from lawsuits even if their product was contaminated; that they only possible excuse for a lawsuit is “willful misconduct”?
Believe me, their behavior is willful misconduct. They know the dangers of vaccines but put their profits above safety.
7) Will you have President Trump’s back on this issue?
Yes, but my plan goes farther as it will prosecute the criminals in the pharmaceutical and GMO industries who created the epidemic.
Thank God. I live in Texas but I’m sending out information on my Twitter account in hope that it helps the people in Massachusetts make a good choice. People in Massachusetts should be bombarding their Twitter and Facebook and Instagram accounts with this information in order to get rid of the scourge of tainted vaccines that are giving children autism, epilepsy attacks, and paralysis. Massachusetts, vote Dr. Shiva into office!
I heard Shiva was beating Eliz Warren in some polls by 11%. It is crazy that the political forces won’t let him debate with the Rep and the Dem. He is a businessman, created the email technology and has three degrees from MIT. And they won’t let him speak????? Thanks for putting the pedal to the metal.
Cheryl: I had an idea …perhaps you can help. I was think after reading your comment that if you could source from the Internet…the emails of the Health food stores in Massachusetts and ask them to hang up a poster this weekend about Dr. Shiva. If you want to do this…I will make up a poster and send it to the emails you collect. This is a sample of what I wrote one healthfood store…
Time Sensitive: There is a candidate running for the Senate against Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday I am the founder of We sent a survey to Dr. Shiva and he responded that he is more than concerned about Autism and vaccines and the mandated vaccine program for school attendance. He is committed to create a legislation to back president’s Trumps concern about Vaccines Causing Autism and to create legislation to set up an Independent Vaccine Science and Safety Commission to analyze the mandated vaccines. Can we email you a poster…as your clients are no doubt concerned about the ongoing debate about vaccines.