The Gates Foundation sponsored the project and will release the artwork 0f 30 world famous artists who have been commissioned to produce Pro vaccine art. The pieces aren’t for sale but will be displayed at a conference in Berlin, on Jan. 27. The conference location is still a big secret. However, VLA has found the location.
It will be held on January 27th at the Berlin Congress Center, Alexanderstraße 11, 10178 Berlin, Germany +49 30 23806750.
The goal of the conference is to raise money for Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, an organization aimed at vaccinating millions of children in poor countries. (Note: The Gates Foundation is also a funder of NPR.) LINK TO EXHIBITION DETAILS
The Art of Saving A Life enlisted more than 30 artists to create images that bring those numbers to life — to spark conversations, interest and, ultimately, funding for vaccines.
Lets show Bill Gates SOME REAL ARTWORK. We need to contact the German Anti vaccine leadership NOW. VLA will send this artwork (below)17″ full color and 3.5 stickers (b&w) for distribution to the convention participants. Please contact ASAP.
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