Category Archives: Recommended Websites

Search Engine: Doctors or Hospital Who have Received Money from Pharmacuetical Companies?


October 2014

On Tuesday, the federal government released details of payments to doctors by every pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturer in the country.  The information is being made public under a provision of the 2010 Affordable Care Act. The law mandates disclosure of payments to doctors, dentists, chiropractors, podiatrists and optometrists for things like promotional speaking, consulting, meals, educational items and research.

We’ve aggregated information from the websites of some large drug companies, which publish their payments as a condition of settling federal whistle-blower lawsuits alleging improper marketing or kickbacks. In cooperation with the website  Pharmashine, we’ve added data for 2013, which now covers 17 drug companies accounting for half of United States drug sales that year.

You can look up your doctor using  our easy search tool.

Search engine….

The Road to Demascas: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria

Brandon Turbeville FOX radio interview.  A must hear if you want to finally hear the truth, historical and current, about America’s assault on the middle east listen to this broadcast.  After hearing this (and perhaps reading his book)  you need not seek any more inquiry of what is really going on in our middle east long wars.  The endgame is the destruction of Russia.Listen to Fox news affiliate interview

e489793f-d003-471a-9a4c-02f7e3df4d77_DBuy book


Brandon Turbeville presents a detailed and wide-ranging discussion and exposé of the unfolding crisis in Syria. He argues that the tragic events still currently taking place inside embattled Middle Eastern nation are not the result of an organic revolution, but rather is a carefully orchestrated outside assault against the people of Syria and their government by Western powers such as the United States, Britain, France as well as the ever-present satellite of Israel. Turbeville deconstructs the mainstream Western narrative surrounding the crisis, exposes blatant lies and propaganda, and provides a more accurate picture of the players who make up the ranks of the so-called “Syrian rebels. Read Activist post for summary of the book

NATO_AirStrikes_WarCrime-300x249-1Go to Brandon

The Age of ALUMINUM: The Biological Effects of Aluminum THE CURRENT SCIENCE-MUST READ


MUST READ in its entirety including resource studies and abstracts


  • CHILDREN’S MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Articles on Aluminum (Resources)

This is the Age of Aluminum. As the scientific dean of aluminum’s biological effects, Dr. Chris Exley, says, “Pandora’s box has been opened.” We are living with aluminum in virtually every aspect of our lives, from structures to transportation to water supplies to cosmetic and health products to household cleaners to our food. It is in everything, including our bodies. The mad headlong rush to tear aluminum out of the earth leaves a swathe of destruction and destroyed lives behind it.

Effects on HumansThe effects of aluminum on the central nervous system are being studied from several different angles. The latest Keele meeting covered a wide range of aspects:

  • Parenteral nutrition—nutrients provided by means other than the mouth or alimentary canal, that is, by injection or intravenous infusion—has become common in premature newborns, severely ill, and elderly people. New research documents that the materials used to provide such nutrition leach into the sustenance and toxic levels enter the body, resulting in dangerously high levels of aluminum found in bones.
  • Aluminum has adverse effects on gene expression, which affects the central nervous system and may be associated with essential hypertension.
  • In the form of aluminum chloride, aluminum is responsible for DNA damage and rapid cell aging.
  • Aluminum is found in significantly high concentrations in cancerous breasts. The high level of aluminum is associated with cancer-related abnormalities, including high levels of inflammatory cytokines and other pro-inflammatory substances.
  • Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines persist in the body. They are known to cause the new neurological disorder, macrophagic myofasciitis.
  • Although aluminum is excreted via the kidneys, their ability to do so is limited. Quantities that are not eliminated appear to have an affinity for endothelial cells lining cerebral blood vessels and possibly the brain, with likely downstream pro-inflammatory and pathogenic effects.
  • Aluminum has been safely chelated using EDTA, with associated beneficial effects on multiple sclerosis patients.
  • Aluminum-exposed workers are significantly more likely to develop cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
  • People in the upper quartile of aluminum toxicity are at three times the risk of developing diabetes.   MUST READ MORE…
  • Here is a table from one of Chris Exley’s articles on conditions known to be linked to aluminum exposure/toxicity:Alzheimer’s DiseaseParkinson’s DiseaseMotor Neurone Disease (MND/ALS)Dialysis EncephalopathyMultiple SclerosisEpilepsy







    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

    Vaccine-related Macrophagic Myofasciitis

    Vaccine-related Cutaneous Lymphoid Hyperplasia

    Vaccine-related Hypersensitivity to Aluminium

    Immunotherapy-related Hypersensitivity to Aluminium




    Down’s Syndrome

    Muscular Dystrophy





    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Gulf War Illness


    Crohn’s Disease

    Vascular Disease / Stroke

  • CHILDREN’S MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Articles on Aluminum (Resources)

    vaccine_autoimmune_syndrome_aluminumA New Autoimmunity Syndrome Linked to Aluminum In Vaccines

  • Leading immunologists at International Congress on Autoimmunity link aluminum in vaccines to a new post-vaccine syndrome

    While “anti-vaxxers” are being smeared in public campaigns as backward and unscientific fear-mongers, a growing body of cutting edge research is emerging from the top echelons of medical immunology to confirm what the cranks have been saying for years about the devastating effects of vaccine ingredients.  The biggest names in the field of study of the human immune system are attached to current papers in the most prestigious immunology literature that link widely used vaccine ingredients such as aluminum to terrifying  modern epidemics of immune-mediated diseases including autism and Alzheimer’s.  READ MORE…


Geoengineer David Keith announced at the AAAS meeting in San Diego, On Saturday, Feb. 20,2010 that the stratospheric AEROSOL geoengineering program is now considering USING ALUMINUM, over 10 MEGATONS per year, instead of sulfur-10-20 megatons of Aluminum a year ! USDA scientists challenge his “lack of understanding” of aluminum to be used in geoengineering despite his research linking increased aluminum and it’s affect on soil PH (killing the forest!) in northern California…after years of aluminum fallout following obvious SRM testing (illegal of course)


Update to 2013:

Sunday, July 14, 2013
by: Lance Devon
Natural News

By the 21st century, jumbo jets were being deployed to drop billions of dollars of nanosized aluminum and other particles into the skies. In attempts to reflect sunlight away from the Earth and cool climate temperatures, this science experiment has exploited populations of people to mass amounts of airborne metals that are literally raining down and poisoning everyone, slowly, subtly.

According to neuro-surgeon Russell L. Blaylock, the nanosized aluminum particles found in chem-trails are contributing heavily to degenerative disease today.  Read more…


THE DRINKABLE BOOK: Revolutionizing water purification

Working with researchers at Carnegie Mellon and the University of Virginia, WaterisLife and DDB supported scalability work and design based on research conducted by Teri Dankovich for her Ph.D. at McGill University. Dankovich found a way to coat cardstock with silver nanoparticles that attract bacteria and toxins when water trickles by. Dankovich says her research indicates that the filters leave water more than 99.9 percent pure. Each page of the book can filter about 30 days’ worth of clean drinking water, and the whole book can last about four years.  READ MORE

Consumer Policy Institute: Recommended Site


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Flu vaccines raise controversy this seasonYou may be better off without a flu shot

Flu deaths have been played up to create a mass market for the flu vaccine.

Americans are being told that a manufacturing problem in a U.K. pharmaceutical plant has led to the U.S. shortage of flu vaccines.

Why governments want health care workers vaccinated

Fluoride Poisoning: Scientifically oriented information

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Second Look Website provides scientific and medical information on fluoride poisoning and related health effects in individuals. In recent years, they have been concentrating efforts on their developing program, The Fluoride Toxicity Research Collaborative (FTRC). This unique program seeks to help individuals suffering from fluoride illness, both chronic and acute.. Go to the FTRC WebCenter for more information about fluoride poisoning and suggestions for how you can help yourself.

This website has started a very special FTRC project: an online listing of fluorinated pharmaceuticals.


Vaccine Ingredients and Manufacturer Information
(alphabetical order by vaccine)

We have listed vaccine ingredients (substances that appear in the final vaccine product), process ingredients (substances used to create the vaccine that may or may not appear in the final vaccine product), and growth mediums (the substances vaccines are grown in) for 31 vaccines commonly recommended by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC.) Controversial products used to make vaccines: African Green Monkey (Vero) cells, aluminum, cow products, Cocker Spaniel cells, formaldehyde, human fetal lung tissue cells, insect products, and mouse brains.


FDA charts