Category Archives: Genetically Engineered Food

Melinda Gates’ 2015 Agenda (video Huff Post Live)





Mobile Phones for all Africans (two phones)




Terrorism-stronger military

Population Control

HPV vaccines shipping to Africa

Climate Change

Global Citizen (Agenda 21)  (to read the Gates letter and become a Global Citzen)


VLA Comment:   She starts with mobile phones (their business); then vaccines; the GMO (drought resistant crops); next…farmer needs a phone too both men and women..two phones per family):  Here comes “Education”…I am sure it will be lots of virtual video education which Gates is behind so they can educate the populations to be in lock step with Global agenda;  Now women and girls issue..wonder if HPV vaccine will be advocated?  We are up to violence now….eradicating violence. Terrorism;  She is now emphasizing a stronger military for Nigeria.  Interviewer mentions-USA higher mortality rate…Gates  answers it by saying the pregnant women should go to clinics more often as if that is the cause of USA higher infant mortality rates.  Not mentioned is that  we are the most vaccinated country in the world and have one of the worst infant mortality rate). Population Control: Pregnancy…contraceptives…abortions.  She says that they should “space out their pregnancies”, as if this is the cause of infant morality in the United Sates as opposed to the 53 vaccines by the time the child is six years old (4 in utero).  In the 1940’s women were having 7 to 9 children…and they were not vaccinated much and they did not die and they certainly weren’t “spaced out”.

OHHH…HERE COMES THE HPV 12 years old and “we are getting them out to Africa” . Feminism…boys should be on par with boys…(support for HPV for boys).  Now CLIMATE CHANGE is a reality!  Sign up to be a GLOBAL CITIZEN (Agenda 21?) 

Baby formula is loaded with GMO: Round up expected to increase Austim Rate 1 out of 2 children


(NaturalNews) A petition is circulating to persuade three of the top infant formula brands in the U.S. — Abbott Laboratories (Similac), Mead Johnson Nutrition (Enfamil) and Nestle (Gerber Good Start) — to stop using genetically modified (GM) ingredients in their baby products. Each of these powdered formulas is loaded with corn and soy byproducts, along with sugar, which means they are more than likely GM in nature and harming children.  READ MORE…

VLA Comment:  Mike Adams (Natural News) goes on to say that he warned us way back then.  And Eileen Dannemann who blew the whistle on GMO in the early day when GMO was just getting momentum, spoke to a Mr. Maryanski, who was assigned as the “laison” for the new GMO food at the FDA . We had a lengthy discussion asking them to be prudent and restrict manufacturers from using the untested GMO materials in Infant formula.  He just about stated during the conversation that the use of GMO in infant formula would provide a great data base on the effects of GMO food on the population.  (Yes…I got that out of him).  Post that conversation we produced a poster with a photo of a Baby and next to it a photo of a Guinea Pig (this was in the 1990s).  The headline caption read:  WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN AMERICAN BABY AND A GUINEA PIG?   The answer was:   ASK MONSANTO!

Stephanie Seneff, senior researcher at MIT, has figured out that Glysophate (Round up) residue on food will cause the epidemic of Autism to increase.   According to her statistics it may increase to 1 out of 2 children being diagnosed on the Autistic spectrum in 2025.

The technology of GMO has much to do with Cytochrome P450 which is the detox mechanism in plants, animals and humans.  In humans, cytochrome P450 is “maturing” so that when infants get vaccinated and eat GMO foods their detox mechanism is not mature enough to channel it out of the body. Hence the toxins in the body increase and cause the epidemic of chronic illnesses we see today.  Moreover, there is an estimated 10 percent of Caucasians, for example, that are non-metabolizers (they do not have the activity of Cytochrome P450 2D6, the major detox channel.

See Stephanie Seneff’s study and video

Read recent study

Stephanie Seneff (MIT) published research on glysophate



Autism: GMO foods/Round-up and Cytochrome P450


Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases†  Glyphosate’s inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes is an overlooked component of its toxicity to mammals.

Read Dr. Seneff’s study

Read Dr. Seneff’s home page

It is to be noted that cytochrome P450  is found in humans.  It is the gene that controls glutathione  and is the most major detoxification pathway in the human body as well as animals and plants.  It  is “maturing” so that infants in general do not have full activity of this detox pathway.  Thus introducing toxic vaccines cause irreparable damage…  and some infants (10% for example of Caucasians) do not have the activity of cytochrome P450 2D6 at all (never mind maturing). It is our hypothesis that this accounts for the range of injury from ADHD to full blown autism. Those infants and children who are “non-metabolizers” are prey to full blown Autism by their participation in the early childhood vaccine schedule.

More over feeding non organic GMO foods whose technology is dependent on Cytochrome P450 adds to the problem so that Stephanie Seneff (MIT) projects that one out two children will be autistic in 2025.

Article: Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT

For over three decades, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology, over the years publishing over 170 scholarly peer-reviewed articles. At a conference last Thursday, in a special panel discussion about GMOs, she took the audience by surprise when she declared, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic.” Read more…

Dr. Seneff’s recent power point to the Pennsylvania Legislature ___ go to this link:

A layman’s version of Cytochrome P450 2D6  Go to link…


Scientists Link Autism To These Toxic Chemicals During Fetal Development

This work is tightening up the story for autism.  Add in the recent knowledge of pathological changes in the brain as well and we have clear targets for the first time.  Again, the circumstantial linkage between roundup and brain defects leading to autism is compelling and convincing.  Yet regulators are sitting on their hands.  Read more…

Feds Shutdown Pennsylvania Seed exchange Library


Agri-Terrorism? Feds Shut Down Seed Library in Pennsylvania!

In yet another example of the federal government’s war on self-sufficiency, the U.S. Department of Agriculture shut down a seed library in Pennsylvania, claiming that a system whereby residents could borrow heirloom seeds and then replace them at harvest time was a violation of the 2004 Seed Act, while a commissioner warned that such behavior could lead to “agri-terrorism.”

Comment:  “Gosh, this makes me wonder when they are going to crack down on all of those GMO fields, with their grave concerns about cross-pollination,” writes Daisy Luther. “Look out, Monsanto…oh, wait. This only applies to regular people growing vegetables. GMOs aren’t considered an invasive species.  Read More…

VLA comment:  I wonder if Senator Kerry and his wife (Theresa Heinz..Heinz Foundation) who run Pennsylvania in a lot of ways has a comment on this?

IOWA: Globe-Trotting GMO Bananas Arrive For Their First Test In Iowa

IowaStateUniversitySealThe trial in Iowa is not likely to stir up similar controversy. Yet , the researcher at Iowa State University who is carrying it out, is reluctant to discuss it. In an e-mail to NPR, she wrote that disclosing details about the study “could preclude me from publishing our findings in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.” READ MORE…

VLA COMMENT:  Reality check:  IOWA has been slated as the global source for hogs and GMO feed. In Fairfield, Iowa (a small town pervasive with intelligent global humanity and entrepreneurs practicing Transcendental Medtation (often hosting such dignitary practitioners such as Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carey, etc) is experiencing the global plan first hand. This small town that has been named as the 2nd best small town to visit (ahead of Sedona) and is the home of Eileen Dannemann, founder of this Vaccine Liberation Army and the National Coalition of Organized Women,  Fairfield is also the home of Jeffrey Smith the world’s leading activist on GMO food.  Fairfield is  being hemmed in by the national plan to make Iowa the global source for pigs on ex lax and the shipping matrix of 20 million bushels of GMO corn to the Asia Pacific countries under the manifesting USA Trans Pacific Partnership trade scheme.

Adjacent to this special town a large 24 million dollar GMO grain elevator is being built…2 blocks long and 150 feet high.  This monstrosity is the first prong established in the heartland of the USA to accommodate the global trade program of poisoning the world with this unnatural technology reminiscent of the technology achieved before the downfall of Atlantis under the program title of FOOD SECURITY.  (Food for everyone…albeit poison).

And as far as Iowa State University is concerned their fabulous Biotech dept funded by the industry is doing well overshadowing the poor sustainable agriculture department.  There is no Food Security without a protected program for small organic and/or sustainable farming operations.


Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer: Big Agri Peddles “GMO Gruel” to the Impoverished

Clearly the solution to solving destitution that leads to malnutrition and starvation is addressing the socioeconomic disparity that created it in the first place, but the monopolies that benefit from this disparity the most are in no way about to do so. Instead, their proposal is to feed the third world with genetically modified gruel to make up for the fact that poor populations cannot access a normal, balanced diet. This “GMO gruel” not only allows big-agricultural monopolies to expand their markets under the guise of “charity,” but allows them to monopolize a greater portion of the world’s food supply. By hooking the third world on “GMO gruel” that will be patented, centrally controlled, and beyond the means of local populations to reproduce independently, the very perpetrators of global disparity will only tighten their grip on humanity tighter still.

Clearly the solution to solving destitution that leads to malnutrition and starvation is addressing the socioeconomic disparity that created it in the first place, but the monopolies that benefit from this disparity the most are in no way about to do so. Instead, their proposal is to feed the third world with genetically modified gruel to make up for the fact that poor populations cannot access a normal, balanced diet. This “GMO gruel” not only allows big-agricultural monopolies to expand their markets under the guise of “charity,” but allows them to monopolize a greater portion of the world’s food supply. By hooking the third world on “GMO gruel” that will be patented, centrally controlled, and beyond the means of local populations to reproduce independently, the very perpetrators of global disparity will only tighten their grip on humanity tighter still. – See more at:
Clearly the solution to solving destitution that leads to malnutrition and starvation is addressing the socioeconomic disparity that created it in the first place, but the monopolies that benefit from this disparity the most are in no way about to do so. Instead, their proposal is to feed the third world with genetically modified gruel to make up for the fact that poor populations cannot access a normal, balanced diet. This “GMO gruel” not only allows big-agricultural monopolies to expand their markets under the guise of “charity,” but allows them to monopolize a greater portion of the world’s food supply. By hooking the third world on “GMO gruel” that will be patented, centrally controlled, and beyond the means of local populations to reproduce independently, the very perpetrators of global disparity will only tighten their grip on humanity tighter still. – See more at:

Read more…

Americans Are Too Stupid For GMO Labeling, Congressional Panel Says

darwin-award   WASHINGTON — It’s pretty rare that members of Congress and all the witnesses they’ve called will declare out loud that Americans are just too ignorant to be given a piece of information, but that was a key conclusion of a session of the House Agriculture Committee this week.
The issue was genetically modified organisms, or GMOs as they’re often known in the food industry. And members of the subcommittee on Horticulture, Research, Biotechnology, and Foreign Agriculture, as well as their four experts, agreed that the genetic engineering of food crops has been a thorough success responsible for feeding the hungry, improving nutrition and reducing the use of pesticides. Read Huffington Post…


Major Study REPUBLISHED: Monsanto GMO Corn Can Cause Damage to Liver and Kidneys, and Severe Hormonal Disruption


A scientific study that identified serious health impacts on rats fed on ‘Roundup ready’ GMO maize has been republished following its controversial retraction under strong commercial pressure. Now regulators must respond and review GMO and agro-chemical licenses, and licensing procedure

A highly controversial paper by Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini and colleagues has been republished after a stringent peer review process. Read more…

Monsanto’s Herbicide Linked to Fatal Kidney Disease Epidemic: Could It Topple the Company? Truthout Friday 11th July 2014

Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup has been linked to a mysterious fatal kidney disease epidemic that has appeared in Central America, Sri Lanka and India.

For years, scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery of a chronic kidney disease epidemic that has hit Central America, India and Sri Lanka. The disease occurs in poor peasant farmers who do hard physical work in hot climes. In each instance, the farmers have been exposed to herbicides and to heavy metals. The disease is known as CKDu, for Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology. The “u” differentiates this illness from other chronic kidney diseases where the cause is known. Very few Western medical practitioners are even aware of CKDu, despite the terrible toll it has taken on poor farmers from El Salvador to South Asia.Read more…


Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer: Big Agri Peddles “GMO Gruel” to the Impoverished

Clearly the solution to solving destitution that leads to malnutrition and starvation is addressing the socioeconomic disparity that created it in the first place, but the monopolies that benefit from this disparity the most are in no way about to do so. Instead, their proposal is to feed the third world with genetically modified gruel to make up for the fact that poor populations cannot access a normal, balanced diet. This “GMO gruel” not only allows big-agricultural monopolies to expand their markets under the guise of “charity,” but allows them to monopolize a greater portion of the world’s food supply. By hooking the third world on “GMO gruel” that will be patented, centrally controlled, and beyond the means of local populations to reproduce independently, the very perpetrators of global disparity will only tighten their grip on humanity tighter still.

Clearly the solution to solving destitution that leads to malnutrition and starvation is addressing the socioeconomic disparity that created it in the first place, but the monopolies that benefit from this disparity the most are in no way about to do so. Instead, their proposal is to feed the third world with genetically modified gruel to make up for the fact that poor populations cannot access a normal, balanced diet. This “GMO gruel” not only allows big-agricultural monopolies to expand their markets under the guise of “charity,” but allows them to monopolize a greater portion of the world’s food supply. By hooking the third world on “GMO gruel” that will be patented, centrally controlled, and beyond the means of local populations to reproduce independently, the very perpetrators of global disparity will only tighten their grip on humanity tighter still. – See more at:
Clearly the solution to solving destitution that leads to malnutrition and starvation is addressing the socioeconomic disparity that created it in the first place, but the monopolies that benefit from this disparity the most are in no way about to do so. Instead, their proposal is to feed the third world with genetically modified gruel to make up for the fact that poor populations cannot access a normal, balanced diet. This “GMO gruel” not only allows big-agricultural monopolies to expand their markets under the guise of “charity,” but allows them to monopolize a greater portion of the world’s food supply. By hooking the third world on “GMO gruel” that will be patented, centrally controlled, and beyond the means of local populations to reproduce independently, the very perpetrators of global disparity will only tighten their grip on humanity tighter still. – See more at:

Read more…

Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer: Big Agri Peddles “GMO Gruel” to the Impoverished – See more at:
Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer: Big Agri Peddles “GMO Gruel” to the Impoverished – See more at: more…

GMO WATCH: 2014 article:

The farce of GMO industry safety studies Read article


Cancer-Cell (NaturalNews) Agricultural regions that see a heavy use of chemicals and in which genetically modified (GM) crops are grown have a cancer death rate twice as high as the national average, according to a report by the Ministry of Health of Cordoba Province in Argentina.

Russian GMO ban in full effect as of July 2014

Dmitry Medvedev attends meeting of deputies from Russian rural villagesThe earlier resolution banning GMO will come into full effect in July 2014. It is necessary to ban GMOs, to impose moratorium (on) it for 10 years. While GMOs will be prohibited, we can plan experiments, tests, or maybe even new methods of research could be developed. It has been proven that not only in Russia, but also in many other countries in the world, GMOs are dangerous. Methods of obtaining the GMOs are not perfect, therefore, at this stage, all GMOs are dangerous. Consumption and use of GMOs obtained in such way can lead to tumors, cancers and obesity among animals. Bio-technologies certainly should be developed, but GMOs should be stopped. We should stop it from spreading. ” – Irina Ermakova, VP of Russia’s National Association for Genetic Safety

Read more…

VLA Comment:  I would wish that Russia would turn organic.  However, in my opinion, It is  Russia’s signal to those is the know, that it is a strategy to undermine the United State’s plan to get a big piece of the currency reset based on the “resource” of owning the world food supply.  The United States has changed domestic patent law to facilitate the expansion with the support of Congress and continually attempts to change international law. (the significance of Wikileaks leaking the Intellectual property section of the TTP).