Category Archives: Nanotechnology & Science Lab

USDA: Wiping out Lyme disease carrying ticks with natural fungi and nematodes


Aolores Hill, parasitologist for USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, collects the blood-sucking ticks as part of a 5-year project to biologically control the pests with microscopic roundworms, called nematodes.

Hill’s goal is to formulate the worms into a product that could be sprayed in residential areas, like backyards, where homeowners can be bitten by ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. In 1996, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, received more than 16,000 reports of the tickborne disease. Ninety percent came from the northeastern United States, where I. scapularis is most prevalent.

Her top tick-fighting recruits include nine strains of the nematode species Steinernema and four strains of Heterorhabditis. Both are well known to science, she says. While harmless to higher vertebrates (humans and livestock, for instance), the nematodes are renowned for attacking many insects pests.  Read more…

Additional article...University of Vermont Extension


VLA COMMENT:  the infectious tick came about in Plum Island, a high security bioweapon lab off the coast of Lyme, Connecticut and East Hampton, New York.  The mission was to weaponize vector insects such as mosquitos and ticks.  Lyme Disease is a plague and is killing and disabling thousands and thousand of people across America and europe including children and dogs.


A most important documentary to watch for $9.99 is UNDER OUR SKIN Additionally under the same cost is an update.

Something MASSIVE just shot out of a Black Hole (NASA)

Future Prophecy of the Peacock Angel


Yezidi prophecy maintains that Tawsi Melek will come back to Earth as a peacock or rainbow during a time of intense conflict, poverty, famine and distress on the Earth. He will then transmit some prayers to a holy man, probably a Faqir, who will then take them around the Earth and give them to representatives of all religions.

Read the prophecy

Radiation Spike Hits Phoenix, AZ; Slams Coos Bay, Oregon

CoosBayOregon-Radiation19-7K -- 11-25-15

Radiation Spike Hits Phoenix, AZ; Slams Coos Bay, OR

An extreme spike in Beta and Gamma Radiation is affecting Phoenix, AZ today and slammed Coos Bay, OR two days ago; yet the media is silent.

According to the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC), a sudden and dramatic spike in Beta Radiation levels in Phoenix, Arizona is taking place today and folks are speculating it may be more fallout from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant meltdown in Japan (2011), which wafts across the Pacific Ocean in plumes.

Coos Bay, OR Got Slammed

Two days ago, another radiation detector, this one in Coos Bay, Oregon, detected a staggering increase in radiation, rising from a “typical” average of thirty-four (34) Counts-per-minute (CPM) to a staggering nineteen-thousand, seven-hundred, eighty-two (19,782) CPM. This terrifying jump in radiation has not been explained and did not last long at all; a few hours at most. If accurate, it was 581 times higher than “typical.”

Families with children should take appropriate measures to make certain the children are protected; remain inside until the plume passes, wear a mask if going outside.

For both children and adults when returning indoors from the outside, remove clothing directly into a washing machine, add detergent and start the washing machine, and take a warm shower with plenty of shampoo, soap and water to wash off any radiation that may have fallen onto hair or skin.  Read more…




We know for absolute certain that carbon dioxide is the stuff of life, the foundation for life on earth,” Moore said.“We are dealing with pure political propaganda that has nothing to do with science,” he continued.“The deserts are greening from rising CO2,” he added.“Co2 has provided the basis of life for at least 3.5 billion years,” Moore said.


IONOSPHERIC HEATING: Hurricane Joaquin, Hurricane Blanca, Hurricane Andre – HAARP induced

Excerpt from Post:

Hurricane control, using the classified Ionospheric Heater technology. Hurricane Joaquin was deliberately steered into the Bahamas, and then, to Bermuda. These island nations are not paying the Wall Street gangsters their Hurricane protection money, so the corrupt US Military commanders are using classified technology, to threaten, and devastate, these small island nations.
Hurricane Blanca, in June, 2015, shows crystal clear proof, of how hurricanes are controlled by the US Navy SBX-1 “missile defense agency”, and other microwave transmitter ships.

Finally, we know what is killing the oceans so rapidly!
Now, we have steps to follow, to stop the rapid death of our planet!

What you can do to declassify Chemtrails and HAARP

Aspartame Confirmed As Bioweapon! Studies found under a secret name CAR-301,060

aspartame aspartame-diet-sodaAspartame

Aspartame is an artificial, non-saccharide sweetener used as a sugar substitute in some foods and beverages. In the European Union, it is codified as E951. Aspartame is a methyl ester of the aspartic acid/phenylalanine dipeptide.

Betty Martini has been a tireless activist focused on Aspartame for decades. Here is her new report:

Excerpt: Some people thought CAR-301,060 is aspartame. No, its not. The man who tested aspartame said they just tested it under that name. Perhaps they didn’t want anyone to know they were testing it.

Betty was contacted by a woman who said:   “My husband worked at Fort Detrick when they did studies on aspartame as a biochemical warfare weapon. The studies were bad.”  She went on to say the reason you could not find the records is because it was not studied as aspartame but rather CAR-301,060″.

Here is more information on CAR-301,060 from the net  Read More…Bioweapon