Category Archives: TRUMP NEWS

TRUMP support Asset Forfeiture laws (ugh)

While laws differ across the country, most states allow law enforcement to seize an individual’s assets or property on the suspicion they have been involved in criminal activity. Even if a person is found to be innocent, some jurisdictions allow the government to keep their property.

According to the Institute for Justice, a civil liberties law firm, the Department of Justice’s Assets Forfeiture Fund generated $93.7 million in revenue in 1986. By 2014, the annual figure had reached $4.5 billion — a 4,667 percent increase. The practice surged for years under the Obama administration. 

Last year, Ohio passed a law that prohibits taking assets valued at less than $15,000 without a criminal conviction. Other states also passed differing degrees of reform, including New Hampshire, Florida, Montana, Nebraska, Minnesota, Maryland and New Mexico.  READ…

Amazing: Lew Rockwell on what Donald Trump has accomplished so far



Towards a peaceful dismantling of the United States Empire

In two weeks, many things have begun, often in the greatest discretion. The booming declarations of President Trump and his team deliberately spread confusion and enabled him to ensure that the nominations of his collaborators were confirmed by a partially hostile Congress.

We must understand that it’s a fight to the death between two systems that has just begun in Washington. Let’s leave the Atlantist Press to comment on the often contradictory and incoherent statements by this one or that, and look at the facts on their own.

Before anything else, Donald Trump made sure that he had control over the security apparatus. His first three nominations (National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly) are three Generals who have contested the «continuity of government» since 2003 [4]. Next, he reformed the National Security Council to exclude the inter-army Chief of Staff and the director of the CIA [5]

Even though the latter decree will probably be revised, it still has not been. Let us note in passing that we announced the intention of Donald Trump and General Flynn to eliminate the post of Director of National Intelligence [6]. However, this post has been maintained and Dan Coats has been nominated for it. It transpires that talk of its suppression was a tactic to demonstrate that the presence of the Director of National Intelligence in the Council was enough to justify the exclusion of the Director of the CIA.

The substitution of the word «best» for «first» leads to the engagement of partnerships with Russia and China, rather than a tentative to crush them.

In order to hobble this policy, the friends of Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Nuland have relaunched the war against the Donbass. The important losses they have experienced since the beginning of the conflict have led the Ukrainian army to withdraw and put paramilitary Nazi militia in the front line. The combats have inflicted heavy civilian casualties on the inhabitants of the new popular Republic. Simultaneously, in the Near East, they have managed to deliver tanks to the Syrian Kurds, as planned by the Obama administration.

In order to resolve the Ukrainian conflict, Donald Trump is looking for a way to help to eject President Petro Poroshenko. He, therefore, received at the White House the head of the opposition, Yulia Tymoshenko, even before he accepted a phone call from President Poroshenko.  Read more…

State of the Nation: On Trump’s Wrecking Ball (Why me? Why not!)

There is an extremely important back story to the election of Donald Trump that speaks directly to him being the perfect foil to the NWO globalist cabal.  Trump’s rise to the POTUS is not too unlike the sustained ascendancy of Russian President Vladimir Putin as explained in this important expose: Secret History Revealed — Putin Played Critical Role After The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The USSR.  In fact, the innate desire of Trump to work closely with Putin in the interest of world peace is at the very root of both of their successful movements.  While the Neocons have tried desperately to take out Putin any way they can, they have now directed their destructive energies toward Trump.  However, the ruling cabal will NOT be able to dislodge either leader as both Trump and Putin are part of a much larger divine plan that cannot be thwarted.  There truly are great forces operating in the background which have kept Putin in power and guaranteed Trump’s victory.  Some call them The Great White Brotherhood; others call them the Acsended Masters.  As follows: THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages  Illuminism, Freemasonry and the Great White Brotherhood The New Atlantis rises … and then falls, after being halted by the epochal wars of the Kali Yuga and Iron Age conflicts, READ MORE…

Russell Brand on Dakota Pipeline

Interview with the CEO of the builder of the Dakota Pipeline

Despite hundreds of leaks of old pipes and recently installed pipelines as in Dakota I which spilled out thousands of gallons of oil, the CEO, who will not guarantee a leak under the waterway, says that the pipeline will be built and when Donald Trump is president he will make it happen…no doubt.

VLA Comment: Is this a stupid comment? How about building it over the narrow width of the river as with a “bridge”?

Barron William Trump: The Face of the Age of Autism


Apparently, like millions of children in this Age of Autism, vaccines had injured Barron as a baby. As the world saw, on the day of Donald J. Trump’s acceptance speech, Barron William Trump, Trump’s youngest son with Melania, stood right by his father’s side in full spotlight.  Look at this beautiful boy…this angel. He is the premier and principle embodiment of the healing of the Age of Autism. Barron Trump is the face of the unseen vaccine-injured children.

Read more… Download: barron-trump-final-face-of-the-age-11