A former Iowa State University scientist who altered blood samples to make it appear he had achieved a breakthrough toward a potential vaccine against HIV was sentenced on Wednesday to more than 4 ½ years in prison for making false statements in research reports.
Dong-Pyou Han, 58, also must pay $7.2 million to a federal government agency that funded the research. He entered a plea agreement in February admitting guilt to two counts of making false statements.
Government prosecutors said Han’s misconduct dates to 2008 when he worked at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland under professor Michael Cho, who was leading a team testing an experimental HIV vaccine on rabbits.
Merck has been accused of fraud and is presently in court, dragging their feet so as to not provide the court with the data they requested, when they are found guilty, who are the researchers who will go to jail over that? The MMR vaccine has done far more damage to children than what this guy has done and the plaintiff stated that Merck also spiked the test with animal blood.
Here is some more information about the lawsuit provided by the Courthouse News Service back in 2012:
-Merck is the only manufacturer licensed by the FDA to sell the mumps vaccine in United States, and if it could not show that the vaccine was 95 percent effective, it risked losing its lucrative monopoly, according to the complaint.
-That’s why Merck found it critically important to keep claiming such a high efficacy rate, the complaint states.
-And, Chatom claims, that’s why Merck went to great lengths, including “manipulating its test procedures and falsifying the test results,” to prop up the bogus figure, though it knew that the attenuated virus from which it created the vaccine had been altered over the years during the manufacturing process, and that the quality of the vaccine had degraded as a result.
-Starting in the late 1990s, Merck set out on its sham testing program with the objective of “report[ing] efficacy of 95 percent or higher regardless of the vaccine’s true efficacy,” the complaint states.
-Chatom says Merck initially called its testing program Protocol 007.
-Under Protocol 007, Merck did not test the vaccine’s ability to protect children against a “wild-type” mumps virus, which is “the type of real-life virus against which vaccines are generally tested,” the complaint states.
-Instead, Chatom says, Merck tested children’s blood using its own attenuated strain of the virus.
– “This was the same mumps strain with which the children were vaccinated,” the complaint states.
-That “subverted” the purpose of the testing regime, “which was to measure the vaccine’s ability to provide protection against a disease-causing mumps virus that a child would actually face in real life. The end result of this deviation … was that Merck’s test overstated the vaccine’s effectiveness,” Chatom claims.
-Merck also added animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results, though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies, and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that “did not in any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life … virus neutralization in vaccinated people,” according to the complaint.
-Chatom claims that the falsification of test results occurred “with the knowledge, authority and approval of Merck’s senior management.” http://www.courthousenews(dot)com/2012/06/27/47851.htm
-Vaccine Whistleblowers File to Compel Merck to Respond to Federal Lawsuit http://healthimpactnews(dot)com/2015/vaccine-whistleblowers-file-to-compel-merk-to-respond-to-federal-lawsuit/.