Here is an early video (2004) revealing Bernie Sanders’ hysteria over a potential shortage of the flu vaccine:
Bernie Sanders 2016
“I think obviously vaccinations work: Vaccination has worked for many, many years. […] I am sensitive to the fact that there are some families who disagree but the difficulty is if I have a kid who is suffering from an illness who is subjected to a kid who walks into a room without vaccines that could kill that child and that’s wrong”.
VLA Comment: The good of the collective over the individual is a Fascist ideology.
“The single most important issue in this election is the purposeful disabling of the emerging generations of humanity! Without a coherent race of humankind, no other issue for humanity or this election is of any real significance” – Eileen Dannemann, Director, National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW).
“Be sure to share this with anyone who could be confused over the matter. This man would be a horrible choice for any parent who believes in parental rights.
After this weekend’s debate, I saw a lot of people who seemed openly confused. Sanders would be a proponent of a much larger, more intrusive Government. Socialism would NOT lend itself to more parental rights. Sanders would likely support any legislation forcing vaccines. We have to be careful and get all the facts. Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats have been less tested on the matter; although it is obvious where Hillary stands”. –
Hillary Clinton: “The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and vaccines work. Let’s protect all our kids”.
VLA comment:
The issue of the inordinate use of vaccination mandates on the population was brought up in the first GOP debate due primarily to 4 courageous men, namely and foremost, Donald J. Trump; Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Rand Paul and Governor Chris Christie. In the past few years, the National Vaccine Information Center ( has followed well over 150 State bills seeking to remove religious exemptions; to erode parental authority over our children; and to give power to government to legally compel unwanted medical treatments on the population…no shots-no school, no shots-no job; In this highly intense battle amongst the polarities we have become aware that virtually all these State and Federal legislation have been initiated and driven by the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders on parental rights and vaccine mandates 2016: “I think obviously vaccinations work: Vaccination has worked for many, many years…a kid who walks into a room without vaccines could kill that child… and that’s wrong!”. Hillary Clinton on vaccines 2015:“The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and vaccines work. Let’s protect all our kids”.
10 top candidates views on vaccines
I don’t support any candidate. I do support the truth and for the record let’s be clear on one the courageous men highlighted in this article:
The Science of President Trump: http://blogs(dot)
“Alter vaccination schedules to avoid autism: Trump says he favors vaccines, but giving children smaller doses over a longer period of time. He has blamed vaccines for causing autism in children.”
He clarified his position in the Scientific America piece.
He does not favor vaccines. He has to side step a bit. For heaven sakes..even Rand Paul was freaked out by the pressure and the next day after his statement of concern he was photographed getting a vaccine in the arm. Bachman lost her bid for the presidency immediately in the last election when she came out about the vaccines. I was working with a staff member of hers who left soon there after. She must have been educating bachman. She aborted right after the flu shot and was pretty pissed about it.