Unconscious Child Cruelty: 6 vaccines at once for little boy 1 Reply VLA Comment: That is 6 vaccines. That means probably 10 or 12 vaccine doses . (eg. MMR, Dtap, etc) CPS is not going to balk about that!
Mike Shay April 1, 2016 at 1:39 pm Susan Humpreys MD and Sherry Tenpenny DO spent 10,000 hours each researching the medical literature and independently came to the same conclusion. There is no real study with a true placebo that demonstrates that vaccines are safe or effective.
Susan Humpreys MD and Sherry Tenpenny DO spent 10,000 hours each researching the medical literature and independently came to the same conclusion. There is no real study with a true placebo that demonstrates that vaccines are safe or effective.