Founded in 1988, Pearblossom Private School Inc. was among the first nationally and fully accredited distance schools to provide quality educational programs for the entire range of elementary,middle, and high school grades (K through 12).Today, the comprehensive program, coupled with instant grading of online tests, provides unparalleledconvenience and flexibility in pursuit of a student’s high school diploma. Pearblossom offers a wide range of electives from art and animal husbandry, to record keeping and photography. We also offer a customized curriculum so that students may select the mathematics courses appropriate to their level and according to their interests and needs. Their mission is to provide a thorough, real-world edu-cation in the most convenient, flexible, and efficient manner possible. Students complete 100% of the educational program in the convenience of their own home at the times most convenient to the student. Find out more….
Pearblossom Private School (State of the Art Homeschool Online)
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