School Based Health Clinics: VACCINES & DRUGS: Accessing Public School Health Records?

Read article…The Obama Healthcare bill funds School Based Health Clinics for public schools nationwide.  The purpose: Track the emerging adult population; maximum vaccinate adolescents upwards of 80 vaccinations by 19 years old; screen for mental illness; facilitate the prescribing of prescription drugs based on mental screening and school behavior; obfuscate the cause of ADD, ADHD, depression (toxic vaccines-45 by the time the child is 6 years old..20 of which has high levels of mercury); propaganda for pre-school and school age kids

…’In 2007, a study performed by RAND Corporation, funded by Sanofi Pasteur, investigated the most efficient way to vaccinate (…) low-income adolescents. Nicole Lurie,(…) one authors of the white paper, is now an adviser to Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of Human Health Services (HHS). Mrs. Lurie has a long history of traversing the revolving door between private industry, government duties, and academic appointments (there is no difference from the former head of the CDC, Julie Gerberding, (…) becoming President of Merck Pharmaceuticals Vaccine Division).

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