The RxISK Medical Team has just finished the final draft of the “RxISK Guide to Stopping Antidepressants”.
As of 2014, close to 10% of the population of most Western countries are on antidepressants more than 50% of whom are likely to be hooked on them. This guide focuses on SSRIs. (Selective Serotonin Re Uptake Inhibitors).
EXCERPT: How to withdraw
Ideally your doctor will be on board – if not you may need to change doctors.
Many doctors suggest withdrawal by taking a pill every other day for a few weeks and then spacing them out further. There is no basis for this approach and it can make things worse.
In previous protocols, we suggested dropping half the dose at the start and a further half later before taking things more gradually. These jumps are too big. The first step is to get a liquid formulation of your antidepressant. If need be demand your doctor specifies a liquid prescription. Your local pharmacist can source a liquid form of almost any drug– see Page 18. The problem may be your insurance coverage refusing to pay for a more expensive form of medication. DOWNLOAD THE WITHDRAWAL PROTOCOL…
See: What makes our kids and soldiers psychotic…
Please download Dr. Yolande Lucire’s study on SSRI drug interactions. Those patients who are non metabolizers (missing the activity of Cytochrome P450 2D6 which accounts for up to 10% of the population) are being given SSRIs and have no ability to metabolize them, causing them to become increasingly psychotic, harmful to themselves and society. Read her riveting study:
Dr. Yolande Lucire’s recently published study
list of the drugs that need 2D6 pathway to metabolize