“…no health or environmental concern can interfere with telecom installations. It gives full power to the FCC to regulate telecom EMF’s health effects”
The Obama administration’s FCC launched the Spectrum Frontiers rules to mandate 5G rollout as a “national priority.” In the rules, we find a disturbing initiative; that is, technology will drive policy rather than vice versa. Wheeler stated this in no uncertain terms. In other words, the private telecommunications industrial complex is being given precedence over elected legislators, including Congressional leaders who voice deep concerns about 5G’s threats. It also has precedence over the warnings voiced by the medical, health and environmental agencies.
“…the Act takes away the authority of town, city, and county councils to rule against 5G stations and cell tower installments. And if towns vote to prevent a 5G tower being erected near a school or children’s park, or a crowded neighborhood, the companies have the right to sue”.
However, the 5G race actually goes back to the Clinton White House. In 1996, Clinton foolishly handed over to the telecommunications industry carte blanche power over state and local governments to install 5G technologies. The Telecommunications Act (TCA) is a dismal piece of legislation. It is another incident where Clinton was a far more loyal enabler to private corporate interests instead of the public. Clinton’s TCA decrees that no health or environmental concern can interfere with telecom installations. It gives full power to the FCC to regulate telecom EMF’s health effects, yet the FCC is not a health agency nor are there any biomedical experts in the FCC. In addition, the Act takes away the authority of town, city, and county councils to rule against 5G stations and cell tower installments. And if towns vote to prevent a 5G tower being erected near a sch
ool or children’s park, or a crowded neighborhood, the companies have the right to sue. READ MORE…