Tag Archives: Monsanto

MEXICO: Big Win! Courts Uphold the Ban on Mexican GMO Corn and Glyphosate

After a 4-year legal battle, Monsanto drops lawsuit against Mexico’s GM corn ban

In what is being called a significant victory for Mexico, Monsanto has withdrawn its legal challenge against the 2020 presidential decree aimed at banning glyphosate and genetically modified (GM) corn for human consumption.



Emails exposed: EPA on the take with Monsanto-Glyphosate causes Cancer

Emails (copies can be seen on the link below) between the EPA & Monsanto now reveal the collusion and in-house fighting among the EPA decision makers, in favor of Monsanto Glyphosate as a causal Cancer product
The contents are very disturbing (sickening…EPA knows that Glysophate causes cancer.  The private emails shows the collusion and in-house fighting among the EPA decision makers)

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Bayer Taking Over Monsanto


Bayer ‘closes in’ on $66bn deal to take over Monsanto

A deal by German drugs and chemicals giant Bayer to take over US seeds company Monsanto is imminent, media reports suggest. The takeover would follow several months of talks and is thought to value Monsanto at more than $66bn (£50bn). According to German media, Bayer has increased its offer to $129 per share while the Reuters news agency says the deal will be announced Wednesday. The takeover would create the world’s biggest seeds and pesticides company.

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In 1925, Bayer became part of IG Farben, the world’s largest chemical company. Following the Nazi takeover of Germany, IG Farben was embroiled in the Nazi regime’s policies as a large government contractor. After World War II, Bayer was reestablished as an independent company, and quickly regained its position as one of the world’s largest chemical and pharmaceutical corporations.  Read History of Bayer One of the biggest DEPOPULATION companies in the world

Monsanto’s Glysophate (round-up herbicide) found in vaccines



Baby formula is loaded with GMO: Round up expected to increase Austim Rate 1 out of 2 children  READ ….

Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases† 

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup®, is the most popular herbicide used worldwide. The industry asserts it is minimally toxic to humans, but here we argue otherwise. Residues are found in the main foods of the Western diet, comprised primarily of sugar, corn, soy and wheat. Glyphosate’s inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes is an overlooked component of its toxicity to mammals. CYP enzymes play crucial roles in biology, one of which is to detoxify xenobiotics. Thus, glyphosate enhances the damaging effects of other food borne chemical residues and environmental toxins. Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body. Here, we show how interference with CYP enzymes acts synergistically with disruption of the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids by gut bacteria, as well as impairment in serum sulfate transport. Consequences are most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet, which include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. We explain the documented effects of glyphosate and its ability to induce disease, and we show that glyphosate is the “textbook example” of exogenous semiotic entropy: the disruption of homeostasis by environmental toxins.


Major Study REPUBLISHED: Monsanto GMO Corn Can Cause Damage to Liver and Kidneys, and Severe Hormonal Disruption


A scientific study that identified serious health impacts on rats fed on ‘Roundup ready’ GMO maize has been republished following its controversial retraction under strong commercial pressure. Now regulators must respond and review GMO and agro-chemical licenses, and licensing procedure

A highly controversial paper by Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini and colleagues has been republished after a stringent peer review process. Read more…

Monsanto’s Herbicide Linked to Fatal Kidney Disease Epidemic: Could It Topple the Company? Truthout Friday 11th July 2014

Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup has been linked to a mysterious fatal kidney disease epidemic that has appeared in Central America, Sri Lanka and India.

For years, scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery of a chronic kidney disease epidemic that has hit Central America, India and Sri Lanka. The disease occurs in poor peasant farmers who do hard physical work in hot climes. In each instance, the farmers have been exposed to herbicides and to heavy metals. The disease is known as CKDu, for Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology. The “u” differentiates this illness from other chronic kidney diseases where the cause is known. Very few Western medical practitioners are even aware of CKDu, despite the terrible toll it has taken on poor farmers from El Salvador to South Asia.Read more…


Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer: Big Agri Peddles “GMO Gruel” to the Impoverished

Clearly the solution to solving destitution that leads to malnutrition and starvation is addressing the socioeconomic disparity that created it in the first place, but the monopolies that benefit from this disparity the most are in no way about to do so. Instead, their proposal is to feed the third world with genetically modified gruel to make up for the fact that poor populations cannot access a normal, balanced diet. This “GMO gruel” not only allows big-agricultural monopolies to expand their markets under the guise of “charity,” but allows them to monopolize a greater portion of the world’s food supply. By hooking the third world on “GMO gruel” that will be patented, centrally controlled, and beyond the means of local populations to reproduce independently, the very perpetrators of global disparity will only tighten their grip on humanity tighter still.

Clearly the solution to solving destitution that leads to malnutrition and starvation is addressing the socioeconomic disparity that created it in the first place, but the monopolies that benefit from this disparity the most are in no way about to do so. Instead, their proposal is to feed the third world with genetically modified gruel to make up for the fact that poor populations cannot access a normal, balanced diet. This “GMO gruel” not only allows big-agricultural monopolies to expand their markets under the guise of “charity,” but allows them to monopolize a greater portion of the world’s food supply. By hooking the third world on “GMO gruel” that will be patented, centrally controlled, and beyond the means of local populations to reproduce independently, the very perpetrators of global disparity will only tighten their grip on humanity tighter still. – See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/monsanto-syngenta-bayer-big-agri-peddles-gmo-gruel-to-the-impoverished_062014#sthash.e1oXixpm.dpuf
Clearly the solution to solving destitution that leads to malnutrition and starvation is addressing the socioeconomic disparity that created it in the first place, but the monopolies that benefit from this disparity the most are in no way about to do so. Instead, their proposal is to feed the third world with genetically modified gruel to make up for the fact that poor populations cannot access a normal, balanced diet. This “GMO gruel” not only allows big-agricultural monopolies to expand their markets under the guise of “charity,” but allows them to monopolize a greater portion of the world’s food supply. By hooking the third world on “GMO gruel” that will be patented, centrally controlled, and beyond the means of local populations to reproduce independently, the very perpetrators of global disparity will only tighten their grip on humanity tighter still. – See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/monsanto-syngenta-bayer-big-agri-peddles-gmo-gruel-to-the-impoverished_062014#sthash.e1oXixpm.dpuf

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Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer: Big Agri Peddles “GMO Gruel” to the Impoverished – See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/monsanto-syngenta-bayer-big-agri-peddles-gmo-gruel-to-the-impoverished_062014#sthash.e1oXixpm.dpuf
Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer: Big Agri Peddles “GMO Gruel” to the Impoverished – See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/monsanto-syngenta-bayer-big-agri-peddles-gmo-gruel-to-the-impoverished_062014#sthash.e1oXixpm.dpufRead more…

GMO WATCH: 2014 article:

The farce of GMO industry safety studies Read article

Monsanto Joins World Business Council for Sustainable Development


Corporate giant Monsanto, known for its controversial business model, lobbying, and its widely criticized genetically modified organisms (GMOs), has officially joined the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, a group of powerful interests including major banks and Big Oil.  Some expressed alarm over the announcement, saying the global “sustainability” push is really a transparent plot to centralize power in the UN and enrich special interests at the expense of private property rights, national sovereignty, and individual liberty. (Agenda 21). Read more…

VLA comment:  In Fairfield, Iowa where we have thousands of people meditating; where the University grows its own organic food –  the only cafeteria in the US to do so, we have a 2 block long, 22 story GMO grain elevator being constructed at the edge of this sustainable town.  Fairfield is the home of Jeffrey Smith, the worlds leading anti GMO lecturer and activist. This granary will hook up to Warren Buffet’s BNSF railway and ship 20 million bushels of corn to the Asia Pacific rim through Mexico to Japan to China.  Iowa is slated in this new vision to become the center agribusiness industrial park for the global food supply (genetically engineered food, only). With this resource having strategically been developing over the years, the United States will enjoy, by and by, a big piece of the global currency supply which will be based on “resources”.  The USA will ostensibly own the World food supply—Iowa will supply hogs and feed to the world.  With this new vision the sustainable program of Agenda 21 will fit in nicely in the name of FOOD SECURITY.  Human resources will be marginalized in Iowa where Pigs on Ex Lax and frankenfeed will be shipped abroad. Where swaths of land will be set aside for Food Security Purposes and people (those who stay) will live in zoned cities.  A China company now owns the largest USA pork producer and Japan owns the 3rd largest grain/feed distributor.  But the interesting this is that behind this companies in the deep are American Wall Street Corporate players. China bought Smithfield Hogs in order to learn about consolidated pork production techniques which they will employ in China and build their own CAFO industry following Smithfield’s CAFO models.  However, American hog farmers will be surprised to find corn/feed prices at all time highs.  They will also be surprised when they find out that China wants the whole pig as they eat parts of the pigs we throw away.  With this many immigrants working at the meat processing factories will be out their jobs.  There goes the immigrant Mexican Hispanic workers who were driven to the United States because of the NAFTA trade deal.

Mexico recently banned the planting of GMO foods in Mexico yet this new vision, the Heartland Grain Co op under construction in Fairfield and Buffet’s BNSF railroad will export 20,000,000 bushels of corn to/through Mexico while the hispanic immigrants who came to USA under NAFTA agreements will be out of their jobs.  Once China gets their own consolidated pork producing going…lets watch the Hog market collapse post their expansion to serve China.

And when mother nature has had enough alien life forms planted in her womb, destroying her reproductive ecology, she will have her day too!  Any good woman would have abort under these circumstances.  I have prophesied an agricultural holocaust since the 1990s.  I think that 2025 will see it rear its head.



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New Study Links Monsanto’s Roundup To Autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s (Cytochrome P450)

r-ROUNDUP-WEED-large570Glyphosate is a major component of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. Glyphosate was manufactured by Monsanto and is one of the most widely used herbicides around the world. A number of scientific studies surrounding glyphosate have shed light on its effects within the human body. It’s responsible for triggering health problems like gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

When you ingest Glyphosate, you are in essence altering the chemistry of your body. It’s completely unnatural and the body doesn’t resonate with it. P450 (CYP) is the gene pathway disrupted when the body takes in Glyphosate(3). P450 creates enzymes that assist with the formation of molecules in cells, as well as breaking them down. CYP enzymes are abundant and have many important functions. They are responsible for detoxifying xenobiotics from the body, things like the various chemicals found in pesticides, drugs and carcinogens. Glyphosate inhibits the CYP enzymes. The CYP pathway is critical for normal, natural functioning of multiple biological systems within our bodies. Because humans that’ve been exposed to glyphosate have a drop in amino acid tryptophan levels, they do not have the necessary active signalling of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is associated with weight gain, depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

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RE: Cytochrome P450 in humans.  SUICIDES  & HOMICIDES:  What they are doing to humans they are doing to plants as it regards Cytochrome P450… Read “What is making our kids and soldiers psychotic…IMPORTANT: 

Genetically Engineered “Algae” by Monsanto OH NO!

Perhaps this is why Monsanto want to genetically engineer Algae…Energy source and fertilizer at the risk of destroying the ecosystem at its most fundamental. Mutated, genetically engineered (GE) or synthetic algae that may be able to use saltwater and polluted water, but there are risks of out-of-control consequences. Critics of GE algae say that there are great risks that include mutation, contamination, becoming out-of-control, killing fish and polluting water systems.

The purpose of genetically engineered products is to lock up income-generating patents and to create monopolies.  READ MORE…

To be competitive and independent from fluctuating support from (local) policy on the long run, biofuels should equal or beat the cost level of fossil fuels. Here, algae based fuels hold great promise, directly related to the potential to produce more biomass per unit area in a year than any other form of biomass. The break-even point for algae-based biofuels is estimated to occur in about ten to fifteen years.[