Perhaps this is why Monsanto want to genetically engineer Algae…Energy source and fertilizer at the risk of destroying the ecosystem at its most fundamental. Mutated, genetically engineered (GE) or synthetic algae that may be able to use saltwater and polluted water, but there are risks of out-of-control consequences. Critics of GE algae say that there are great risks that include mutation, contamination, becoming out-of-control, killing fish and polluting water systems.
The purpose of genetically engineered products is to lock up income-generating patents and to create monopolies. READ MORE…
To be competitive and independent from fluctuating support from (local) policy on the long run, biofuels should equal or beat the cost level of fossil fuels. Here, algae based fuels hold great promise, directly related to the potential to produce more biomass per unit area in a year than any other form of biomass. The break-even point for algae-based biofuels is estimated to occur in about ten to fifteen years.[