California Bill SB277 has been signed into law. No Child can get a public, private or preschool education without being fully vaccinated.
Waldorf Opinion on Vaccinations
Founder, Dr. Rudolf Steiner on immunizations
…these inoculations will influence the human body in a way that will make it refuse to give a home to the spiritual inclinations of the soul. People will be inoculated against the inclination to entertain spiritual ideas.
[page 199, 200] Steiner: I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are very young,
VLA COMMENT: There are about 20 Waldorf Schools in California, 150 in North America and over 1000 world wide. This is a world wide pro vaccine movement we are dealing with. Aside from California SB277, State nationwide bills and Federal bills, already in Australia and Israel, laws are being enacted that will take away child benefits if the child is not fully vaccinated. Will the California Waldorf schools have to close down, will they water down or violate its founders directives or is there another opportunity in the works?
VLA COMMENT: I am hoping that the modern day Waldorf schools realize that this is a spiritual battle between the Luciferic and Ahryman impulses. And act accordingly to walk between worlds.
The Incarnation of Ahriman: The Embodiment of Evil on Earth: Seven Lectures Given Between October and December 1919 Buy….
Excerpt: Just as Christ incarnated in a physical body, so would Ahriman incarnate in the Western world – before ‘a part’ of the third millennium had passed. Steiner places this incarnation in the context of a ‘cosmic triad’ – Lucifer, Christ and Ahriman. Ahriman will incarnate as a counterpoint to the physical incarnation of Lucifer in the East in the third millennium BC, with the incarnation of Jesus Christ in Palestine as the balancing point between the two. Over the period during which Steiner developed anthroposophy – a speaking career that spanned two decade
Wikipedia: the third millennium is a period of time that according to official sources, such as the United States Naval Observatory, began on January 1, 2001, and will end on December 31, 3000, of the Gregorian calendar.[1][2] It is the third period of one thousand years in the Anno Domini or Common Era.
Degradation of the Waldorf Schools, internationally
The result is the corruption of the pedagogy that has been happening for decades as it pertains to the Waldorf system of education such as the blatant disregard of the mystical, metaphysical knowledge of the founder in not taking a clear stand on his position on vaccination. It is due to this disregard and weak policy on vaccination, that the Waldorf schools, internationally, are facing this crisis. Despite the Anthroposophical education of the teachers and the administration on the evolution of humanity and the battle of Lucifer and Ahriman, the Waldorf schools have capitulate to these very forces because they didn’t stand strong on vaccine policy.
“…these inoculations will influence the human body in a way that will make it refuse to give a home to the spiritual inclinations of the soul. People will be inoculated against the inclination to entertain spiritual ideas”
It is amazing to me that the Waldorf schools that purports to follow the Anthroposophical pedagogy has gone so wrong that they would have even accepted students that have surrendered to an errant vaccination policy in the first place. They might have figured a way, a long time ago, a way to educate the applicant parents on Steiner’s position on inoculation to prepare the child for entry. But instead they weakened the rules.
Why hasn’t the world wide Waldorf administration preserved the quality of the the school and committed to a policy in regarding its acceptance of vaccinated children knowing that the overly vaccinated will cause trouble in the classroom due to the loss of an inclination towards spirituality? Clearly they made no effort to prepare applicants about Steiner’s position on immunization early on. And here we are!
Lucifer and Ahriman
Steiner was very clear about the impulses of Lucifer and Ahriman in the evolution of humanity. This clearly had his most fundamental attention in developing an educational system based on spiritual science. He warned that this day would come. The Waldorf schools (as you as you say in UK) has capitulated to the government forces regarding vaccination. In fact and in essence, they misalign themselves with the natural progressive forces of evolution and instead align with Ahriman and Lucifer away from the Christ impulse-a total antithesis of what Dr. Steiner stood for.
“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are very young”