MEXICO: Big Win! Courts Uphold the Ban on Mexican GMO Corn and Glyphosate

After a 4-year legal battle, Monsanto drops lawsuit against Mexico’s GM corn ban

In what is being called a significant victory for Mexico, Monsanto has withdrawn its legal challenge against the 2020 presidential decree aimed at banning glyphosate and genetically modified (GM) corn for human consumption.



Parasites: Everyone has parasite…Parasites are the cause of Cancer (plus)

Joe Tippens Story-Fenbendazole..cured 4th stage cancer in 12 weeks


1. Fenbendazole Fenbendazole 222 mg (1 gm of Panacur™ or Safeguard™) per day every day.

2. Curcumin

black pepper (VLA Comment…Black pepper activates Tumeric (Curcumin) However, apparently Joe Tippens didn’t take black pepper.

3. CBD Oil

4. Berberine

5. Quercetin


Parasites don’t just cause Cancer.  It causes MS, autoimmune disease.
They cause inflammation as they eat and urinate…micro parasites, Macroparasites. You can carry this burden for 20 years if you have a strong autoimmune system…but as you get older your strength weakens…then the beginning of the end!
Everyone and animals too have parasites…it is just the symbiotic condition of the earth plane.  A blessing of Covid, if looked deeply, was IVERMECTIN (an antiparasitic).  Blessings are found in chaotic circumstances by blessed people.  And now Joe.  And now Fenbendazole!
And now Dr. Lee Merritt.  And now YOU!
Below are two videos from two unusually odd people…They didn’t go to medical school but they have their story of discovery.  PARASITES!!!



Dr.Lee Merritt


Dr. Lee Merritt’s MMS protocol      chlorine_Dioxide_Dr. Lee Merritt


VLA Comment:
You can also take do a round of MMS Parasite Protocol

I would also suggest that if you have Lyme Disease you go to and do the salt cure and while you are at it look at what these creatures look like.  I would suggest you do the salt cure for a few months or at least when you have sustained, for a while, your salt level so that when you lick you hand you can taste the salt.  Salt will dissolve a slug when you pour it on it.  Salt has been a magic cure for centuries.  We are made up of salt…so it won’t be unatural to our bodies.  I also suggest, for Lyme Disease,  you also do the parasite cleanses as state above., sequentially..MMS and/or Dr. Lee Merrit’s protocol because there are a variety of parasites that each protocol addresses.

I use this for Fenbendazole…Squeeze your portion into a little dish, add some heavy cream and honey…take twice a day for 3 days, stop for 5-7 days, repeat twice a day for 3 days. It is delicious!

You can get this at

Don’t do less than the recommended dosages…more is better…you have to initially blast these critters.

Stew Peter interview with Dr.Lee Merritt on Parasites scroll to 16.30


  1. Take Fenbendazole and Nitazoxanide with food
  2. Studies show that Fenbendazole and Nitazoxanide in the same cycle is more effective together
  3. How I take Panacur Paste: I squeeze about a fat teaspoon in a dish; add heavy cream; add a little honey…Delicious, You can use yogurt, etc,
  4. You might experience some Diarrhea if you eat big meals,  Eat small meals,
  5. I had no side effects during the cycle. A month after I finished the cycle  I experienced 3 weeks, daily, of what is called “dumping” (full diarrhea) especially if I ate a full meal.  It I figured it was connected to the cleanse.  If you experience short or long term diarrhea you will be losing minerals. You must restore your trace minerals everyday with lots of water so you don’t dehydrate. I took this product from the Himalayas “shilajit” 
  6. If you do not replace you minerals you may experience inner tremors until you normalize                                                               TAKE YOUR MINERALS
  7. Take Probiotics everyday for a month once you complete your cycle.
  8. Apparently, we all have parasites and we will continue to have parasites.  You just can’t get overburdened by them.  The best we can do is keep them in balance by little efforts during the year before another medicinal cycle.  Use a natural herbal product with wormwood, oregano oil, clove bud oil, crushed pumkin seeds at night, etc, as maintenance,

New Study: Rotavirus Vaccine – Dangereous for Infants

New Study by CHD’s Brian Hooker and Jacob Puliyel, M.D. Raises Safety Concerns Over Infant Rotavirus Vaccine in India Washington, D.C. –

A study published yesterday in the peer-reviewed journal The International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine found that Rotavac, the rotavirus vaccine used in India 

increases the risk of…intussusception in infants

Intussusception is a condition where the intestine telescopes into itself and can lead to gangrene of the bowel or death if not treated immediately.

The number of babies developing intussusceptions was highest within a month after vaccination, with risks tapering off over time. They found 93 cases of intussusception in the first 30 days compared to 63 in the next 30 days.

“The first symptom of intussusception is typically the passage of blood and mucus in the stools,” said Dr. Hooker. “Parents can easily mistake this for infectious dysentery, which is more common. Intussusception often requires surgery to prevent death, so parents need to be informed and vigilant.”