Monthly Archives: February 2012

CNN Hero of the Year Midwife Robin Lim: GMO damage to umbilical cords

“In five days time I saw one fatal cord accident, another cord problem leading to stat cesarean birth, and today another incident of deep fetal distress due to cord problems.  The study I read concerning M16 genetically modified corn showed that when fed to pregnant mice, all the offspring in one generation, had alterations of ALL the cells in ALL their organs! Can you see why I am worried about our precious placentas? I did not make this connection until I began to see an increase in abnormalities and pathology due to placenta and cord troubles. The fact that so many Indonesian women depend upon genetically modified soy products (tempe and tofu) for their day-to-day protein — and the early introduction of GMO soy here… it got me wondering”– Robin Lim  Read article

Drones: Bill HR658 passed-30 Thousand Drones over America

HR 658, the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act, has just passed both the House and the Senate which authorizes the use of 30,000 spy drones over America by the year 2015?

That is 30-THOUSAND drones flying overhead, surveying the US. If you divide that by 50 states, that is 600 drones per state! Read More…

Police deploy mini weaponized drones over Texas.  Read more…