Monthly Archives: February 2012

Dept. of Homeland Security: NO WORK LIST!

You’ve heard of NO FLY LIST? Department of Homeland Security is implementing a NO WORK LIST.

TWIC is short for Transportation Worker Identification Credential and SWAC stands for Secure Worker Access Consortium.

TWIC “is a biometric credential that ensures only vetted workers are eligible to enter a secure construction site, unescorted,” Ironworkers Local 361 in Ozone Park, New York, explains. “Before issuing a TWIC, TSA must conduct a security threat assessment on the TWIC applicant. An applicant who, as a result of the assessment, is determined to not pose a security threat, will be issued a TWIC card.”  Read more…

A SWAC PDF specifically mentions “treason” in an exhaustive list of crimes and misdeeds that will result in the federal government denying a person the right to earn a living.

Criminal History Background Screening Searches consist of:
Social Security Number — Positive Identity Verification (PIV)
Federal District Court Search (each district of residence and employment)*
National Criminal Search*
Statewide Criminal Check (each state of residence and employment)*
County Criminal Search (each county of residence and employment)*
Sexual Offender Search (each resident state)*
Alien Immigrant Search
Immigration Violation Check
Fake Identification Convictions
State Driving Record
Check for material false statement or omissions on Application Form
National Terrorist Watch List Search (OFAC-SDN)
Note* Within ten (10), seven (7), or five (5) years preceding date of application as noted on the HIGH, MEDIUM, and STANDARD Level of Access forms.

The TWIC Disclosure and Certification form states the following: “I acknowledge that if TSA or other law enforcement agencies determine that I pose an imminent threat to national security or transportation security, my employer may be notified.”

Acoustic Fusion-Alternative to Nuclear

Last year, Andrea Rossi’s energy catalyzer, or E-Cat, created buzz as it claims to present an alternative energy source that is environmentally clean and free. The E-Cat is a cold fusion device that fuses hydrogen atoms with nickel to transform it into copper. The resulting fusion reaction creates heat that will drive a turbine, which would then generate electricity. Andrea Rossi and physicist Sergio Focardi demonstrated the device last October and the E-Cat produced an average of 470 kilowatts for more than five hours.

During our research on Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer, we came across the “acoustic inertial confinement” or sound drive fusion developed by Impuse Devices Inc., based in California. The company uses the process of acoustic cavitation, the use of acoustic field to expand and collapse tiny bubbles to generate hot temperatures. As the bubbles shrink, the pressure and temperature of the vapor increase, reaching their maximum upon bubble collapse. The temperature and pressure of the gas inside the cavities can exceed temperatures on the surface of the sun.

Soulo Journey: From the best metaphysical media gal

Soulo Journey: Life from the Soul’s Perspective’:

Regina’s new book ‘Soulo Journey: Life From the soul’s Perspective’ offers a rarely glimpsed rendering of the origins of the human species. With this new understanding of what it is to be a Human-Being, our choices change.

Empowering and enlightening, ‘Soulo Journey’ draws from Regina’s 30 year background in esoteric studies combined with having had access to more than 400 brilliant thinkers of our time as the host of Conscious Media Network.

Soulo Journey takes the fear out of understanding humanity’s deepest roots and reflects back our true entitlement to limitless creation.

The following are a few of the subjects covered:

How the human species came into creation
The schism of the soul vs. animal mind
Choosing our gene pool
Why humans have required outside ‘guidance’
Healing from the soul’s perspective
Human feedback loops with Earth
Manifesting from the Soul
Giving children voice
Breaking the hypnosis and unearthing our own truths

…and much more