Category Archives: Legal challengers

MEXICO: Big Win! Courts Uphold the Ban on Mexican GMO Corn and Glyphosate

After a 4-year legal battle, Monsanto drops lawsuit against Mexico’s GM corn ban

In what is being called a significant victory for Mexico, Monsanto has withdrawn its legal challenge against the 2020 presidential decree aimed at banning glyphosate and genetically modified (GM) corn for human consumption.



VICTORY: Ninth Court Shoots down Jacobson vs. Massachusetts

The court held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.

VLA Comment:  Brilliant!  In Jacabson vs. Mass. there was a State interest that compelled the decision to mandate the Small Pox vaccines because it allegedly  “prevented the spread”.  The ninth district found that the Covid 19 vaccine did not prevent the spread of the disease but was only a treatment for individuals to mitigate the symptoms.  Hence Jacobson did not apply.


Ninth Circuit Court Rules Correctly COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are Not Legitimate State Interest Due To Being A Treatment, Not A Preventative | This Is All We Need To DESTROY WHO & FDA

Supreme Court Decision 9-0 Religious Freedom

If you don’t think this is significant, consider that virtually every large company in the United States is mandating that its employees take part in some sort of “Pride Month” event.

As long as the accommodation does not significantly increase the employer’s costs, employees should not worry about being forced to violate their religious belief.

The fact that this is a unanimous ruling is also a seriously big deal.

The Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in Groff v. DeJoy reinforced the First Amendment’s protections for religious liberty, making clear that no employer may discriminate on the basis of an employee’s religion.

For many years, businesses were free to refuse employees’ requests for religious accommodations or even fire them if doing so would result in more than a minimal, or “de minimis,” financial burden.

Christians who observe the Sabbath have found themselves unemployed as a result.

The Supreme Court just ruled last week that businesses can’t refuse to make reasonable accommodations because of the small cost or inconvenience to the business.

The Supreme Court found that employers must make reasonable religious accommodations under Title VII of the United States Constitution unless doing so would “result in substantial increased costs in relation to the conduct of its particular business.”

VLA COMMENT:  I wonder if colleges are in this same boat!

J&J….Bid to Delay Lawsuits Alleging “Tylenol Caused Autism”


The Tylenol lawsuits allege that the makers of products containing acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol), including J&J, were negligent in not warning the general public — including pregnant women — about the risks posed by the drug to fetal development and in encouraging their widespread use during pregnancy.

The lawsuits also allege that retailers, including Walmart, CVS, Walgreens and others, falsely advertised products containing acetaminophen as being safe for pregnant women and did not warn them about the risks posed to fetal development.

These products have been marketed as safe for pregnant women since the 1950s, despite a significant number of peer-reviewed studies finding that acetaminophen poses serious risks to pregnant women and unborn children.



Peter Breggins vs. Robert Malone: Who to believe?

Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.Sci. CEO, CSO, co-founder and board of manager member of Atheric Pharmaceutical, LLC. Dr. Malone has extensive research and development experience in the areas of clinical trials, vaccines, gene therapy, bio-defense, and immunology. He has over twenty years of management and leadership experience in the academia, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. His FDA, HHS, and DoD agency knowledge is extensive. Dr. Malone is an internationally recognized scientist and is known as one of the original inventors of “DNA Vaccination.” Dr. Malone holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines.

Breggin (2016). Rational Principles of Psychopharmacology for Therapists, Healthcare Providers and Clients. D. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS (NEUROLEPTICS) Abilify (aripiprazole) Clozaril (clozapine) Fanapt (iloperidone) Geodon (ziprasidone) Invega (paliperidone) Latuda (lurasidone) Risperdal (risperidone) Saphris (asenapine) | Article Detail

Peter Breggin expose on Robert MalonePeter and Ginger Apr 23, 2023

VLA COMMENT: if RFK, jr plunged into the pre-covid depths of Peter Breggin and his work on Pharmacogenetics and psychiatric drugs, he might realize that this man hold a treasure of knowledge concerning those unwitting patients who, due to the absence or efficacy of certain liver enzymes, were unable to metabolize many of the current psychiatric medication, thus compelling them to commit suicide/homicide; that Peter Breggin hold the remarkable genetic key that would save children from the same fate…children who may be exhibiting tendencies of their alleged mentally ill parent. White Paper by Eileen Dannemann

VLA OPINION: It is my opinion that it is a big mistake for Dr.Malone to go after Peter Breggin when those “in the know”  regard Dr. Breggin as a World Treasure. His focus, pre-covid, was as a single warrior, first on the block, against the giants.  Mayo Clinic, St. Jude’s and Sloan Kettering now stand on his shoulders.  They now “genetically test” their patients for their ability to metabolize psychiatric drugs, alcohol, street drugs, etc. prior to prescribing drugs for mental illness or chemotherapy. Perhaps Malone and Breggin should have a face to face…to check on their perception of the Reality about each other.  However, excluding that… to be safe, I vote for Breggin!


Vaccine Victory: Mississippi must provide the option for a religious exemption to Mandatory Vaccine Law

This ruling sets a legal precedent with the potential to change the entire nation.



On April 18th 2023, Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), with their legal team led by lawyer Aaron Siri, had a historic win in federal court.

As a federal judge tasked with interpreting the United States Constitution, Judge Sul Ozerden issued a measured written opinion today recognizing that the First Amendment of the United States Constitution demands that a religious exemption option be provided if the state offers secular exemptions (which it does).

Practically, what this ruling means is that, by July 15, 2023, Mississippi must provide the option for a religious exemption to the state’s vaccination requirements for schoolchildren.

(Walker D. Moller, Attorney with Siri & Glimstad)

Mississippi Religious exmpt.Judge-Ozerden-Preliminary-Injunction-Ruling

VLA Comment: Current states without religious or personal belief exemptions for school immunization requirements are California, Connecticut, Maine, Mississippi, New York and West Virginia.

This ruling sets a legal precedent with the potential to change the entire nation.

LAWSUIT: 3,000 farmers claim paraquat & diquat caused their PARKINSON’S DISEASE

Story at-a-glance

  • Glyphosate ­ the active ingredient in the broad-spectrum herbicide RoundUp ­ is commonly used off-label as a desiccant and/or preharvest treatment to speed ripening. This is why even non-GMO foods often contain glyphosate
  • Paraquat and diquat are registered desiccants that have been used in U.S. agriculture since 1962, and as bad as glyphosate is, these “quats” may be even worse
  • More than 3,000 farmers with Parkinson’s disease are suing Syngenta, the lead manufacturer of paraquat, and Chevron, a key distributor, arguing the chemical caused their disease. The first federal trial is set for October 2023. More than 100 lawsuits have also been filed in California state courts, where trials are set to begin in June 2023
  • In 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reapproved paraquat for another 15 years. Earth Justice sued the EPA claiming the agency has “understated the extent of paraquat’s adverse effects.” The EPA is now re-reviewing its paraquat data and has until December 2023 to draft its reanalysis
  • Research suggests plant lectins are the key link between paraquat and the damage resulting in Parkinson’s disease. Lectins are proteins found in many grains, legumes, and beans ­ the very crops most-often treated with paraquat. Paraquat can trigger Parkinson’s disease when combined with plant lectins as the lectins transport the toxin straight into the brain                    READ MORE…