Category Archives: POLIO

Polio Vaccine: How the established shifted the Polio statistic in favor of the vaccine


The CDC Made These Two Radical Changes and 30,000 Diagnoses of Polio Instantly Disappeared

Over the last sixty years in the U.S., more than a million cases of what would have been diagnosed as polio pre-vaccine – same symptoms – were given different labe

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Polio Vaccine-itself – a global threat and the cause of today’s epidemic of Cancer


After almost sixty years of silence and a federally sanctioned cover up, the CDC finally admitted several years ago that the Salk and Sabin vaccines indeed were contaminated with the carcinogenic SV40 monkey virus. [10] Among the unwanted genetic material that might be found in vaccines today are:  cancer-causing oncogenes, bird leukemia virus, equine arthritic virus, prions (a protein responsible for Mad Cow Disease and other life threatening illnesses), enzyme reverse transcriptase (a biological marker associated with HIV infection), and a multitude of extraneous DNA fragments and contaminates that escape filtration during vaccine preparation. [11]  Read more….

Pakistan police arrest hundreds of parents refusing to vaccinate kids


The Balochistan government has decided to enact a law enabling security agencies to take action against parents and heads of educational institutions, including religious seminaries, who refuse to administer polio vaccinations to children.

“We have proposed it. It is too early to talk about the contents of the law. All I can say is that parents will face legal action upon refusal of anti-polio drops,” said Balochistan Health Secretary Noorul Haq Baloch. He added, however, that refusing the drops would “not be a criminal act.”


Pakistan police arrest hundreds of parents refusing to vaccinate kids with deadly vaccine causing paralysis epidemic

Multiple hundreds of parents who nobly object to these vaccinations are being arrested or forced at gunpoint to submit their children to the vaccines. According to Feroz Shah, a spokesman for the Peshawar district administration, 471 people have been arrested so far.

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Vaccines Caused 53,000 paralysis victims last year in India

India’s dramatic turnout in polio eradication, though, has seen a consistent sidelining of the increasing incidence of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) cases. In the last 13 months, India has reported at least 53,000 cases of NPAFP.

Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) is a condition in which a patient suffers from paralysis that results in floppy limbs due to reduced muscle tone. While AFP is symptomatic of polio, it can be caused by other diseases such as the Guillain-Barre Syndrome and nerve lesions as well—the primary cause fueling the argument that India is not really free of wild polio virus.  Read more…

VLA Comment:  No wonder the people are resisting “the program”. There are cases in vaccine related NPAFP in the United States too.

Council of Foreign Relations: Global Health Interactive map of outbreaks



Updated Vaccine-Preventable Outbreaks Map Shows Attacks on Vaccinators Drive Polio Outbreaks

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“This map demonstrates that the resurgence of polio in Pakistan is strongly correlated with the increase of attacks on vaccinators and health-care workers there,” says Laurie Garrett, CFR Senior Fellow for Global Health, who produced the map.

VLA Comment:  This is the conclusion (above) of the establishment, that there is a correlation between attacks on vaccinators and an increase in polio outbreaks….as opposed to a correlation between the polio vaccine and polio outbreaks.

47,500 Paralysis cases from Polio Vaccine in India: Indian Journal of Medical Ethics Read more...




CDC: ADULT VACCINATION: Update Polio vaccine requirements for travel


It is starting folks…air travel and vaccination!

CDC recommends that travelers to any country with WPV circulation in the last 12 months protect their health by being fully vaccinated against polio, including a single lifetime polio vaccine booster for adults.  Read CDC update…

Clinical Update
Polio Vaccine Guidance for Travelers and Note on Travel to Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza

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The polio vaccination certificate is valid between 4 weeks and 12 months after the date of vaccination. The ending date for a valid vaccination recorded on the ICVP is 1 calendar day before the calendar day on which the vaccine was given. For example, a vaccination given on 16 June 2014 will be valid between 14 July 2014 and 15 June 2015.

 Adults-Wild Polio Virus

(but what about the “shedding” of the Vaccine Strain polio virus that has 47,500 kids in India crippled? see below)

Adults, who are traveling to areas where there has been WPV circulation in the last 12 months and who are unvaccinated, incompletely vaccinated, or whose vaccination status is unknown should receive a series of 3 doses: 2 doses of IPV administered at an interval of 4–8 weeks; a third dose should be administered 6–12 months after the second. If 3 doses of IPV cannot be administered within the recommended intervals before protection is needed, the following alternatives are recommended:

  • If >8 weeks are available before protection is needed, 3 doses of IPV should be administered ≥4 weeks apart.
  • If <8 weeks but >4 weeks are available before protection is needed, 2 doses of IPV should be administered ≥4 weeks apart.
  • If <4 weeks are available before protection is needed, a single dose of IPV is recommended.

If <3 doses are administered, the remaining IPV doses to complete a 3-dose series should be administered when feasible, at appropriate intervals, if the person remains at increased risk for poliovirus exposure. If doses are needed while residing in the affected country, the polio vaccine that is available (IPV or OPV) may be administered.

Adults who have completed a routine series of polio vaccine are considered to have lifelong immunity to poliovirus, but data are lacking (12). As a precaution, persons aged ≥18 years who are traveling to areas where there has been WPV circulation in the last 12 months and who have received a routine series with either IPV or OPV in childhood.  Read more…



News of five cases of a rare polio-like disease that has left five California children with one or more paralyzed limbs has riveted the public and stirred up worries and confusion. The children, all of whom had been successfully immunized against polio, range in age from 2 to 16, and their paralysis—which came on suddenly, as if out of nowhere—is apparently incurable.  Read more…


47,500 Paralysis cases from Polio Vaccine in India: Indian Journal of Medical Ethics

 “… while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received”.

The polio vaccine contain a synthetic polio virus and not the wild polio virus found in nature.  In 2011 polio vaccine with its synthetic laboratory made virus was the cause of 47,500 new cases of what they call non-polio acute flaccid paralysis NPAFP.  Excerpts from the Indian Journal follow  Read more…

VLA Comment:  Apparently there is an association with children having gotten the polio vaccine in US as well as India with flaccid paralysis (polio symptoms renamed).  Why would India, for example, not be on the list of concern?  Is it because the polio vaccine itself caused the flacid paralysis (polio).

Outbreak 25 FACTS: St. Judes Children’s Hospital Warning: Stay away from the just vaccinated.


VLA Comment:  St. Judes and Johns Hopkins:  Vaccinated children “shed”.  All immunocompromised children so not be visited by children who were just vaccinated with live vaccines..such as measles, chickenpox, polio, flu mist.

1- China has measles outbreaks but 99% are vaccinated

A recent study published in PLoS titled, “Difficulties in eliminating measles and controlling rubella and mumps: a cross-sectional study of a first measles and rubella vaccination and a second measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination,” has brought to light the glaring ineffectiveness of two measles vaccines (measles–rubella (MR) or measles–mumps–rubella(MMR) ) in fulfilling their widely claimed promise of preventing outbreaks in highly vaccine compliant populations. (Sayer Ji, Why Is China Having Measles Outbreaks When 99% Are Vaccinated?, GreenMedInfo 20 September 2014)

2- Mandatory Chickenpox Vaccination Increases Disease Rates, Study Shows

Varicella, or the chicken pox vaccination, has been mandated in South Korea since 2005. Infants from 12 to 15 months are required by law to receive a vaccination. By 2011, the country reached a near universal compliance rate, however, varicella patients did not decrease; they have increased since reaching this mandated level of vaccination.

The number of chicken pox patients reported to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) has increased from 22.6 cases per 100,000 in 2006 to 71.6 cases per 100,000 in 2011.  That’s a huge difference and ample proof that the vaccination program isn’t working to control the spread of the disease. (Christina Sarich, With 97% Compliance Chicken Pox Vaccine Still Causes Outbreaks, Natural Society, January 08, 2015)

3- In a 2012 measles outbreak in Quebec (Canada) over half of the cases were in vaccinated teenagers

An investigation into an outbreak in a high school in a town that was heavily hit by the virus found that about half of the cases were in teens who had received the recommended two doses of vaccine in childhood — in other words, teens whom authorities would have expected to have been protected from the measles virus.

It’s generally assumed that the measles vaccine, when given in a two-dose schedule in early childhood, should protect against measles infection about 99 per cent of the time. So the discovery that 52 of the 98 teens who caught measles were fully vaccinated came as a shock to the researchers who conducted the investigation. (The Canadian Press, Measles among vaccinated Quebec kids questioned, CBC, October 20, 2011)

4- In 1987 a measles outbreak was documented among a fully immunized group of children

In 1987, for example, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) documented a measles outbreak that occurred in Corpus Christi, Texas, in the spring of 1985. Fourteen adolescent-age students, all of whom had been vaccinated for measles, contracted the disease despite having been injected with the MMR vaccine. Researchers noted that more than 99 percent of students at the school — basically all of them — had also been vaccinated, with more than 95 percent of them showing detectable antibodies to measles. (Ethan A. Huff, Measles Outbreak Documented Among Fully Immunized Group of Children, Natural News 15 February 2015)

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Truth About The Polio Vaccine

Wild Polio is a terrible disease, but a new strand of Polio has formed from oral vaccinations created to prevent the wild strand. Raymond Francis sheds light on how the vaccine-derived polio virus is on the rise and threatens global health.

VLA Comment:  The SV 40 virus has been identified as in the modern tumors of cancer patients today.  There was a academic dispute as to whether SV 40 found in today’s cancer patients was the same SV40 passed on from the polio vaccine in the 50s and sixties and even as late as the 90s.  A researcher in Chicago found a doctor who had the original polio vaccine from the 1950s  stashed in his refrigerator.  It was analyzed. Indeed today’s epidemic of Cancer is derived from the polio vaccine that millions of kids got in the 1950, 60s.  It apparently was still in the vaccine in the 1990s.

How, might a cancer-causing monkey virus, wind up in human tumors? The mystery began in 1988 with Dr. Michael Carbone. He found the SV40 virus in 60% of the human lung tumors he was studying, (SV40 stands for Simian Virus the 40th virus found). Eventually, sixty different labs confirmed the results. THE ATLANTIC.COM ARTICLE Riveting

Polio Vaccine (1950s) The Cause of the Cancer Epidemic (via virus SV40 contained in Polio vaccine)

A mystery with enormous implications has stumped some of the smartest minds in cancer research. How, might a cancer-causing monkey virus, wind up in human tumors? The mystery began in 1988 with Dr. Michael Carbone. He found the SV40 virus in 60% of the human lung tumors he was studying, (SV40 stands for Simian Virus the 40th virus found). Eventually, sixty different labs confirmed the results. THE ATLANTIC.COM ARTICLE Riveting

Any scientific dispute about the presence of SV40 in the original Polio vaccine and in all sorts of cancers today has been settled: Excerpt from The Atlantic: To settle the issue Carbone sought to examine old vaccine stocks. He was told by government and drug-company officials that they had thrown out all the old lots. Then, two years ago, Carbone found an elderly Chicago-area physician who had an unopened case of polio vaccine from 1955, which he had stored in his refrigerator for more than forty years. “I would have gone all the way to Alaska to find this stuff, and here it was three miles away,” Carbone says. Last summer Carbone finally completed tests on the vintage vaccine. He found that the tiny vials contained SV40 genetically identical to the strains found in human bone and brain tumors and in monkeys. “This proves that the SV40 that was present in the polio vaccine is identical to the SV40 we are finding in these human tumors,” he says.

“The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, which WAS cached here (since removed by google so you can view an image of the cache here), admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span from 1955-1963 when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine.” read more.

Here is a link to the cached CDC page


Dr.Tent tells the story of how the Cancer Epidemic that we see today started and the conspiracy that took place between Lee Harvey Oswald, Judyth Baker and the polio/cancer epidemic. Comment: Excellent ’til about 60 minutes

Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald [Paperback]
Book Description
Publication Date: October 22, 2011
A young scientist, Judyth Vary Baker, suddenly finds herself immersed in a life of espionage in New Orleans, involving two plots: the attempted assassination of Fidel Castro, and the successful assassination of President John F. Kennedy. At the heart of the plots is the mysterious Lee Harvey Oswald, who quickly wins Judyth’s affection and love. In this true-life story, Judyth offers documentation on page after page: how she came to be a cancer expert at such a young age, how her relocation to New Orleans was engineered to involve her in the get-Castro plot, how she was manipulated to help develop a biological weapon to eliminate Castro, and how Oswald came to confide in her. Judyth’s narrative connects the dots to heretofore shadowy and hidden events in New Orleans and Dallas involving Oswald. She reveals how Oswald, ordered to hand off the biological weapon to a contact in Mexico City, found himself betrayed there. His eyes now opened, the future Patsy went on to sacrifice his life through his efforts to save Kennedy, as well as to protect those he loved from certain death. Judyth, who knew of Kennedy’s impending assassination through conversations with Oswald occurring less than two days before Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza, confirms that Oswald was a deep-cover intelligence agent who was framed for an assassination he was actually trying to prevent. Over 600 pages, filled with new photos and rare documents.–

Dr. Mary’s Monkey website with more videos

51wFougfdLL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_  Buy Book…

Dr. Hillman, Merck scientists, admits that the SV40 virus was in the polio vaccine (oops)

Sarah Walker: Does the Oral Polio Vaccine Cause Paralysis?

SYRIA POLIO VACCINATIONActually, it’s been well-established for over 70 years that the Oral Poliovirus Vaccine (OPV) causes some cases of paralytic polio. The OPV, which went into use in 1961, contains live attenuated polioviruses, which “are excreted in the stool of the vaccinated person for up to 6 weeks after a dose,” and can infect others with the vaccine virus. “Outbreaks of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) have been reported in many countries of the world.” And these vaccine viruses can circulate for years.   Read more…