Category Archives: Eugenocide/Population Control

25 historical books that demonstrate vaccines have caused serious harm for 200 years

The 25 books in the ‘History of Vaccination’ series shed light on the history of vaccines through the eyes of doctors, scientists, and historical data. They answer the pressing question: “Are vaccines safe and effective?”

“I can conclusively say that vaccination is the biggest fraud in medical history,” Trung Nguyen wrote. Since 1796, the year the first smallpox vaccine was introduced, every generation has been burdened by disease due to vaccination, he said.


MAJOR DOWNLOAD: CORBETT REPORT: How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

VLA COMMENT: A MUST, MUST LISTEN TO WITH BOTH EARS POISED…Not to have this in your consciousness is like missing the big piece of the puzzle at a champion puzzle match.
How the Elite are Stealing Planet Earth

Video by Whitney Webb & James Corbett

Interview 1676 – Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

Whitney Webb returns to the program to discuss her recent work on the “green” transformation of the global financial system.

From NACs to GFANZ, Webb and Corbett break down the latest attempt to monopolize the world’s natural resources, and how this financial scam represents the next step along the path to the Great Reset, Agenda 2030 and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Peter Breggins vs. Robert Malone: Who to believe?

Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.Sci. CEO, CSO, co-founder and board of manager member of Atheric Pharmaceutical, LLC. Dr. Malone has extensive research and development experience in the areas of clinical trials, vaccines, gene therapy, bio-defense, and immunology. He has over twenty years of management and leadership experience in the academia, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. His FDA, HHS, and DoD agency knowledge is extensive. Dr. Malone is an internationally recognized scientist and is known as one of the original inventors of “DNA Vaccination.” Dr. Malone holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines.

Breggin (2016). Rational Principles of Psychopharmacology for Therapists, Healthcare Providers and Clients. D. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS (NEUROLEPTICS) Abilify (aripiprazole) Clozaril (clozapine) Fanapt (iloperidone) Geodon (ziprasidone) Invega (paliperidone) Latuda (lurasidone) Risperdal (risperidone) Saphris (asenapine) | Article Detail

Peter Breggin expose on Robert MalonePeter and Ginger Apr 23, 2023

VLA COMMENT: if RFK, jr plunged into the pre-covid depths of Peter Breggin and his work on Pharmacogenetics and psychiatric drugs, he might realize that this man hold a treasure of knowledge concerning those unwitting patients who, due to the absence or efficacy of certain liver enzymes, were unable to metabolize many of the current psychiatric medication, thus compelling them to commit suicide/homicide; that Peter Breggin hold the remarkable genetic key that would save children from the same fate…children who may be exhibiting tendencies of their alleged mentally ill parent. White Paper by Eileen Dannemann

VLA OPINION: It is my opinion that it is a big mistake for Dr.Malone to go after Peter Breggin when those “in the know”  regard Dr. Breggin as a World Treasure. His focus, pre-covid, was as a single warrior, first on the block, against the giants.  Mayo Clinic, St. Jude’s and Sloan Kettering now stand on his shoulders.  They now “genetically test” their patients for their ability to metabolize psychiatric drugs, alcohol, street drugs, etc. prior to prescribing drugs for mental illness or chemotherapy. Perhaps Malone and Breggin should have a face to face…to check on their perception of the Reality about each other.  However, excluding that… to be safe, I vote for Breggin!


Circa 50 Documentaries on the Dangers of Vaccines

List of Documentaries


1. Vaccination – The Silent Epidemic – Silent Epidemic (Vaccination Truths Discovered & Explained By Working Profs Not Tied To Big-Pharma) (


3. Shots In The Dark – Shots in the Dark [Vaccine Documentary] (

4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth –

5. Vaccine Nation – Vaccine Nation [Documentary] (

6. Vaccination – The Truth About Vaccines – Exposing the Truth about Vaccines (


8. Bought –

9. Deadly Immunity – Deadly Immunity – by Robert F Kennedy Jnr. (

10. Autism – Made in the USA – Autism – Made in the USA (


List of Documentaries

Plus a list of at least 100 books on the link above


A global effort has been underway to encourage pregnant women to get vaccinated despite the uncertain risk posed to them and their offspring. Given this, post-hoc data collection, potentially for years, will be required to determine the outcomes of COVID-19 and vaccination on the next generation.5




Musk vs Schwab at the World Government Summit — Two Competing Visions for the Future

Others have expressed concerns about AI “going wrong” — alleging that bias is baked into the technology. The New York Post reported, for instance, that ChatGPT refused to write an article about Hunter Biden in the newspaper’s critical style, but it was willing to write the article from the perspective of CNN. Business Insider argues that AI tools like ChatGPT must be “woke” in order to attract major investors.

Musk argued against a one world government: “I think we want to be a little bit cautious about being too much of a single civilization, because if we are too much of a single civilization, then the whole thing may collapse. where as Schwab stated “mastering technologies such as AI can help global elite “be the master of the world.”


Brazil’s corrupt president imposes vaccines on low income families

Brazilian President Lula Imposes COVID Vax Mandate For Children To Receive Gov’t Benefits

Brazil: Convicted criminal President Lula announced that the COVID shot will be mandatory for children if parents wish to continue receiving government assistance. Lula said, The children have to be vaccinated. “Suppose they don’t have a vaccination certificate. In that case, the mother will lose the benefit.” Lula said the government vaccine mandate is for the greater good, even if it means citizens take 10 or 50 vaccines. The announcement marks a major policy reversal since former President Bolsonaro, who stepped down after a contentious election in November, rejected the COVID vaccine mandate.