Category Archives: Eugenocide/Population Control



Has Begun as Pregnant Women Continue Getting Jabbed for the CCP Virus

There are alarming reports coming out of Scotland that there has been an increase in the number of stillborn babies during the month of September 2021.

They reported that 21 babies died in just that short amount of time, so investigating why this happened became a top priority.  READ MORE….



Alien Intelligence (AI) merge with machines or be left behind


Two new books offer a single choice: merge with machines or be left behind

Artificial intelligence operates on a different plane than human reason. As described by various futurists and technologists, AI is literally an “alien mind.” In advanced artificial neural networks, the modes of cognition—the logical steps behind any given conclusion—are completely incomprehensible, even to their creators.

The craziest part? It’s oftentimes correct.

In the coming years, this nonhuman intelligence will change everything about our personal lives, our social organization, and how we think. That’s the premise of two books published back-to-back this year—one from the West, the other from the East.

The Age of AI: And Our Human Future is a primer on technetronic civilization for Western policy makers.

AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future is a similar effort for an Asian readership, with nods to TED Talk snobs and the Davos elite.

The former argues that artificial intelligence already displays unearthly powers of perception. It will soon determine the fate of nations. The latter envisions algorithms becoming quasi-spiritual entities who cradle a new humanity. These beings are “inevitable,” the authors maintain, and the risks to our freedom are profound.

As legacy humans, our choice is to either reject this alien intelligence and fall behind, or to forge a “human-AI symbiosis”—to let ethereal tentacles probe us, analyze us, and guide our evolution.

Normal people are horrified by either prospect, but that’s irrelevant. The future doesn’t care about your feelings, nor do the people creating and directing it.


13 stillbirths in one hospital in 24 hours

In search of the truth….


“A genocide is occurring due to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,” but the medical establishment refuses to acknowledge it. In British Columbia (B.C.), Canada, a rally recently took place to draw attention to this fact, and to the revelation that some 13 stillborn deaths occurred in a single 24-hour period at Lions Gate Hospital. All of these deaths occurred in babies born to women who got injected for the Fauci Flu, but the public is not being told about any of it”.

Video included…

Read more… 

“BATCHES” – COVID VACCINE: Manufacturers send out different batches….Here is PROOF

The video above is graphic data that batches causing adverse events are sent out throughout the country

Scandal in Slovenia yesterday: Google translation:

* Yesterday in Slovenia a big scandal broke out and today the whole of Slovenia is talking about a big vaccination. The head nurse of the University Medical Center, a clinical center in Ljubljana, which takes care of receiving the bottles and manages everything, resigned, went out in front of the cameras and took out bottles with bottles of liquids. She showed people the codes on the bottles where each contains 1, 2 or 3 digits in the code, and then explained the meaning of those numbers.

Number 1 is placebo, saline.
Number 2 is a classic bottle of RNA.
Number 3 is an RNA stick that contains the oncogene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer.

Number 3: She says that people who received it within 2 years will have soft tissue cancer.

She says, she personally witnessed the sting of all the politicians and tycoons and everyone received the number 1 sting, then they received a saline solution, a placebo.

And this explains why the same character stabs all our politicians when they take pictures for the media.

VLA Comment: I am guessing with the help of AI algorithms, data is collected, different groups are targeted.  Let’s take children, for example…If I were the strategist I would give most of the initial parental run to get their kids vaccinated…saline.  Because, a lack of adverse events would embolden California, New York to mandate “the safe” Covid vaccine to school children, in order to attend school.  Getting the Covid vaccine into the children’s mandated vaccine schedule is a major cost effective financial gain for the manufacturers!

UPDATE:  120 Teens Hospitalized, 3 dead

VLA Comment:  Now, this comment in the article is a true picture of INSANITY

“Luong Ngoc Truong, director of the CDC, said although the province stopped using the current vaccine batch, “We still have other batches, also Pfizer vaccines, so we will continue vaccinating the children.The suspended batch was put into storage and could be used later for other groups like adults”, Truong added.

Highwire: Interview with Vaccinologist, Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D.-A Tsunami of Morbidity is coming

Highwire: Interview with Vaccinologist, Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D.-A Tsunami of Morbidity is coming if the children are vaccinated, in a very short time.