Category Archives: Government experimentation on the public

Peter Breggins vs. Robert Malone: Who to believe?

Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.Sci. CEO, CSO, co-founder and board of manager member of Atheric Pharmaceutical, LLC. Dr. Malone has extensive research and development experience in the areas of clinical trials, vaccines, gene therapy, bio-defense, and immunology. He has over twenty years of management and leadership experience in the academia, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. His FDA, HHS, and DoD agency knowledge is extensive. Dr. Malone is an internationally recognized scientist and is known as one of the original inventors of “DNA Vaccination.” Dr. Malone holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines.

Breggin (2016). Rational Principles of Psychopharmacology for Therapists, Healthcare Providers and Clients. D. HARMFUL EFFECTS OF ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS (NEUROLEPTICS) Abilify (aripiprazole) Clozaril (clozapine) Fanapt (iloperidone) Geodon (ziprasidone) Invega (paliperidone) Latuda (lurasidone) Risperdal (risperidone) Saphris (asenapine) | Article Detail

Peter Breggin expose on Robert MalonePeter and Ginger Apr 23, 2023

VLA COMMENT: if RFK, jr plunged into the pre-covid depths of Peter Breggin and his work on Pharmacogenetics and psychiatric drugs, he might realize that this man hold a treasure of knowledge concerning those unwitting patients who, due to the absence or efficacy of certain liver enzymes, were unable to metabolize many of the current psychiatric medication, thus compelling them to commit suicide/homicide; that Peter Breggin hold the remarkable genetic key that would save children from the same fate…children who may be exhibiting tendencies of their alleged mentally ill parent. White Paper by Eileen Dannemann

VLA OPINION: It is my opinion that it is a big mistake for Dr.Malone to go after Peter Breggin when those “in the know”  regard Dr. Breggin as a World Treasure. His focus, pre-covid, was as a single warrior, first on the block, against the giants.  Mayo Clinic, St. Jude’s and Sloan Kettering now stand on his shoulders.  They now “genetically test” their patients for their ability to metabolize psychiatric drugs, alcohol, street drugs, etc. prior to prescribing drugs for mental illness or chemotherapy. Perhaps Malone and Breggin should have a face to face…to check on their perception of the Reality about each other.  However, excluding that… to be safe, I vote for Breggin!


CANADA: TRUDEAU…no healthcare funding without DIGITAL ID

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau Threatens to Cut Off Healthcare Funding Unless Premiers Agree to Digital Health ID

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the federal government’s commitment to spend $196.1 billion on healthcare over the next ten years, which provincial premiers consider to be low. Trudeau met with all of the provincial premiers, and, according to reports, the proposal comes with the condition for digital ID data collection. Trudeau is trying to blackmail to get Canadians to sign up for Digital ID. Canadians will not be able to access any healthcare without these digital IDs. A critic wrote that once the system is in place, people will not be able to use bank account or do anything online regarding financial transactions, enter stores, shop online or get a Internet provider.

Meanwhile in the US, a coalition of private companies has released a “digital ID blueprint,” which urges individual states to adopt the policies necessary to establish a digital ID system.


Brazil’s corrupt president imposes vaccines on low income families

Brazilian President Lula Imposes COVID Vax Mandate For Children To Receive Gov’t Benefits

Brazil: Convicted criminal President Lula announced that the COVID shot will be mandatory for children if parents wish to continue receiving government assistance. Lula said, The children have to be vaccinated. “Suppose they don’t have a vaccination certificate. In that case, the mother will lose the benefit.” Lula said the government vaccine mandate is for the greater good, even if it means citizens take 10 or 50 vaccines. The announcement marks a major policy reversal since former President Bolsonaro, who stepped down after a contentious election in November, rejected the COVID vaccine mandate.



80 Canadian MDs boosted and dead!

Though many doctors have maintained their income by complying with and participating in the criminal injection campaign; they are still required to roll up their sleeves and take their turns in this sick game of Russian roulette. In 2022 we now see dramatically increased death rates among young injected Canadian physicians .

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Two vaccinated parents may pass a new DNA code permanently to their offspring

Dr. McCullough: mRNA from COVID vax transfers from jabbed to unjabbed, ‘changing human genome’

‘It’s conceivable that two vaccinated people could actually pass the code for Pfizer or Moderna into their baby, permanently,’ the renowned epidemiologist said.

STUDY: 29 Percent of Young Pfizer COVID Vaccine Recipients Suffered Heart Effects

Nearly three in 10 children who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine experienced heart effects afterwards, according to a new study.

Researchers studied 301 students across two schools in Thailand. The students were aged 13 to 18 and had received a dose of Pfizer’s vaccine without a serious adverse event. Most had no underlying disease, while 44 had conditions such as asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Researchers conducted laboratory tests to establish a baseline and followed up at three days, seven days, and 14 days after the students received a second dose of the vaccine.

Researchers found that 29 percent of the youth experienced cardiovascular effects, including heart palpitations, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Fifty-four had abnormal electrocardiogram results. Six experienced mitral valve prolapse, which the Mayo Clinic describes as a heart valve disease; six had high blood pressure, and seven were diagnosed with heart inflammation.


FDA had data showing 82-97% of Pregnant women lost their babies.

FDA had Data Showing 82% – 97% of Pregnant Women Injected with the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Lost Their Babies Before Approving the Shots