Category Archives: Organic Farming/Organic Food

An appeals court says CA can list the herbicide glyphosate as a carcinogen

After much fanfare, a state appeals court has ruled that California can list glyphosate as a carcinogen — and that the state’s ban on discharging the herbicide into public waterways stands, too. Despite Monsanto’s best efforts to keep the toxicity of their product under wraps, the ruling in California is undoubtedly a small victory for concerned consumers and environmental advocates everywhere.  READ MORE…

Pediatricians “Just following orders”….little to no knowledge of vaccines

Dear Dr. Holtrop and AAP: “I Don’t Know” and “Just Following Orders” Are Not Acceptable Positions for Pediatricians on Vaccine Contents and Vaccine Risk

DR. TERESA HOLTROP is the Michigan Director of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). She recently testified in a case in Michigan in which a mom objects to vaccination. She was the witness for the divorced husband who wanted to vaccinate their 2.5 year old heretofore, unvaccinated,  child.  She testified that she is not an expert on vaccine injury, and that she gets her information about vaccines from the CDC website.  Holtrop repeated stated that she “did not know” when counsel for the mother asked her questions related to vaccine risk.


VLA Comment: Unbelievable…Here is the Michigan Director of the AAP and hasn’t got a clue of what is in the vaccines or the adverse events.  She represents most pediatricians.  If you ask your pediatrician what are the CDC excipeints in vaccines he/she will not know.

Here is the CDC excipient chart…download it, highlight the poisonous ingredients and give it to your doctor after first asking him if he/she knows what is in the vaccines.CDC vaccine excipients

Carbon Nanotubes Can Make Sea Water Drinkable

The nanotubes, hollow structures made of carbon atoms in a unique arrangement, are more than 50,000 times thinner than a human hair. The super smooth inner surface of the nanotube is responsible for their remarkably high water permeability, while the tiny pore size blocks larger salt ions.

Increasing demands for fresh water pose a global threat to sustainable development, resulting in water scarcity for 4 billion people. Current water purification technologies can benefit from the development of membranes with specialized pores that mimic highly efficient and water selective biological proteins.  READ MORE…

Round UP (Glyphosate) MIT Stephanie Seneff: The Devasting Consequences


Neurological Diseases
Neural Tube Defects
Diabetes, Obesity and Adrenal Insufficiency
Impaired Blood Flow
Kidney Disease
Liver Disease
How to Safeguard Yourself and Your Famil

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EPA and FDA give go ahead for 3 types of GMO potatoes for 2017

EPA and FDA give go ahead for 3 types of GMO potatoes… planting begins this year

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have given permission to Idaho-based agribusiness giant J.R. Simplot Co. to begin the spring planting and fall harvesting of three different types of genetically modified potatoes.

Simplot says that the varieties are genetically engineered to resist the pathogen associated with late blight, the disease responsible for the Irish potato famine. The GMO potatoes are also modified to keep them from turning brown when sliced, to be resistant to bruises and black spots, and to have a longer storage life.  READ MORE…

Victory: US Appeals Court: Any county/town can ban growing GMO plants


Thanks to the Ninth Circuit US Court of Appeals and their recent interpretation of the Plant Protection Act, all U.S. states, counties, and local communities can actually ban (or regulate) the planting of any and all commercially-grown genetically engineered crops, no matter what the feds or Monsanto claims about GMO.

Neither the Plant Protection Act nor the DARK Act can stop states and counties from banning the planting of GMO crops.  READ MORE..

GMO bans expand in Russia/Putin halts all production and imports


Russia has adopted a new law that prohibits all GMO crop cultivation and GMO animal breeding in the Russian Federation. Putin and Tkachev believe that the new law will aid Russia in becoming the world’s largest supplier of healthy, environmentally friendly and high-quality clean food – especially since the global demand for organic products is rising quickly.

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