Category Archives: Organic Farming/Organic Food



May 6, 2016

Biologist, Tyrone Hayes is a soft-spoken professor at the University of California with a big message. One of the most commonly used pesticides in agriculture, atrazine, is responsible for feminizing amphibians, according to his research. More importantly, the chemical is effectively eliminating male chromosomes at an alarming rate, ate levels which are three times lower than what are currently appearing in our drinking water. It isn’t just lead and fluoride we need to be concerned about, but a known endocrine disruptor, created by Syngenta, that is utterly changing our gene pool. READ MORE…


VLA comment:  Wonder why we have so many gender issues today?

Beekeepers compensated in landmark decision after drifting neonicotinoids destroy hives


Beekeepers compensated in landmark decision after drifting neonicotinoids destroy hives

Two beekeepers were recently compensated by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, after it was proven that a widely used class of insecticides destroyed their hives last spring. Neonicotinoids, which chemically resemble nicotine, were found to have drifted onto the hives from a nearby corn field, and as a result, severely damaged the colony and killed some of the bees  Learn more…

Putin declares Russia will be free from GMO, Vaccinations and Pharma drugs


The Western government-controlled people are an “intensively vaccinated borderline autistic fat man slumped in front of a screen battling a high-fructose corn syrup comedown”, claims Putin who says that Russians “must be protected … at all costs”.

Read more…

Guatamala: Indigenous Mayans Win Stunning Repeal of Hated ‘Monsanto Law


Indigenous Mayans Win Stunning Repeal of Hated ‘Monsanto Law

The success of the Guatemalan people in defending their food sovereignty and stopping “Monsanto Law” is an inspiring example that people, when united, can overpower even the largest of corporations.  Read more…

GLOBAL AGENDA: INDIA may fall to Western Agricultural Policies (Riveting video & article)

Link to article. Narendra Modi and Monsanto:
Making India Friendly to Global Capital


EXCERPT:  On Monsanto’s Board of Directors sits the former Chairman of the Board and CEO of the giant war contractor Lockheed Martin, Robert J. Stevens, who was also appointed in 2012 by Barack Obama to the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. As well as epitomising the revolving door that exists between the US Government and private trans-national corporations, Stevens is a member of the parallel government in the US, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). A second board member at Monsanto is Gwendolyn S. King, who also sits on the board of Lockheed Martin where she chairs the Orwellian ‘Ethics and Sustainability Committee”. Individuals who are veterans of the corporate war industry should not be allowed control over any populations food supply! Additionally, Monsanto board member Dr. George H. Poste is a former member of the Defense Science Board and the Health Board of the U.S. Department of Defense, as well as a Fellow of the Royal Society and a member of the CFR

Alert: KALE superfood – a hyper-accumulator of heavy metals


Kale is heralded for its ample supplies of calcium, magnesium, potassium, Vitamin K, and various healthful phytochemicals and anti-oxidants. But the superfood is hiding a nasty secret: dangerous levels of heavy metals.

In a recent study, molecular biologist Ernie Hubbard found that kale—along with cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and collard greens—is a hyper-accumulator of heavy metals like thallium and cesium. What’s more, traces of nickel, lead, cadmium, aluminum, and arsenic are also common in greens, and this contamination affected both organic and standard produce samples.

 The source? Its soil. “If it’s left in the ground, the leafy greens are going to take it up,” Hubbard told Craftmanship magazine. READ MORE…



Paul Stamets, a leading mycologist, has discovered a way to keep insects off crops without the need for chemical-pesticides. Stamets’ “pesticide,” dubbed SMART pesticides, uses “entomopathogenic fungi (fungi that destroys insects).” It is able to control over 200,000 species of pests and he patented it back in 2006.  READ MORE…


Feds Shutdown Pennsylvania Seed exchange Library


Agri-Terrorism? Feds Shut Down Seed Library in Pennsylvania!

In yet another example of the federal government’s war on self-sufficiency, the U.S. Department of Agriculture shut down a seed library in Pennsylvania, claiming that a system whereby residents could borrow heirloom seeds and then replace them at harvest time was a violation of the 2004 Seed Act, while a commissioner warned that such behavior could lead to “agri-terrorism.”

Comment:  “Gosh, this makes me wonder when they are going to crack down on all of those GMO fields, with their grave concerns about cross-pollination,” writes Daisy Luther. “Look out, Monsanto…oh, wait. This only applies to regular people growing vegetables. GMOs aren’t considered an invasive species.  Read More…

VLA comment:  I wonder if Senator Kerry and his wife (Theresa Heinz..Heinz Foundation) who run Pennsylvania in a lot of ways has a comment on this?



At present, the National List identifies all vaccines, as a group, as synthetic substances allowed for use in organic livestock production. Vaccines are not individually listed on the National List, but rather are included on as a group of synthetic substances termed “Biologics Vaccines,” that may be used in organic livestock production (7 CFR §205.603(a)(4)).  READ MORE/SEE CHART