Category Archives: Strategy Room

Healthcare Workers-Forced vaccinations: Consitutional arguments

Charles Griffin, attorney, has asked the court for an in­junction to stop AnMed from enforcing the mandated policy until a hearing is held on the suit. He said, “the state constitution provides that “citizens shall be free from unreasonable invasions of privacy’. Being forced to have an injection or something forced up one’s nostrils is clearly an invasion of priva­cy”.
Go to site for Constitutional support, citations, arguments for personal sovereignty

Vaccinate or Get Fired-Documents to support constitutional rights

Retrieve documents, motions and Supreme Court citation…

This link is meant to support the health care workers and others who are being forced to submit to a ruthless invasion of privacy, assault on sovereign person hood, an obliteration of liberty by government’s most audacious move to inject pathogens and destructive elements into the most intimate of all private properties…the body.  Attorney Charles Griffin, South Carolina has asked the court on behalf of a healthcare worker, for an in­junction to stop AnMed from enforcing the policy of influenza vaccination until a hearing is held on the suit.
Charles Griffin, SC Attorney said, “ the state constitution provides that ‘citizens shall be free from unreasonable invasions of privacy’. Being forced to have an injection or something forced up one’s nostrils is clearly an invasion of priva­cy.”  Go to Charles Griffin motion to court…

Join our Street Team Strategy: THE STICKERS!

The Student Vaccine Liberation Army STRATEGY: THE STICKERS

FREE ROLL OF 500 STICKERS.  Saturate your neighborhood High School!

Kids love stickers! Rather than giving out wordy information to middle and HS kids, we give our provocative sticker. Students flock around us…like birds at a food frenzy. . Funded by vaccine manufacturer Sanofi Pastuer, The Rand Corporation has issued a strategy to directly target the public schools’ adolescent population (SBHC) to uptake vaccines. The strategy is to brainwash the younger kids from Kindergarten up (see Propaganda Room); monitor students vaccine records and make sure that every child is vaccinated. If we do not step between the SBHC program and the emerging generation our children will be brainwashed, vaccine damaged and drugged with prescription drugs. and our vaccine movement will die with us. We will not be able to penetrate this kind of brainwashing.

Contact us at for your free roll of Vaccine Liberation Army Stickers.

We appreciate your on the ground.  Donations are accepted in order to print more stickers.

Street teams post Don’t vaccine posters

Street teams post David Dees Anti vaccine posters. David Dees did the artwork for the Vaccine Liberation Army.

This art is free to use for “non-profit” individual purposes, blogs, and websites. I encourage you to openly distribute to others with the hope it will educate, enlighten, deprogram, and at least, entertain.