Category Archives: Ukraine

Pepe Escobar: Emerging Multipolar, Multinodal, Polycentric Harmonic World

VLA Comment: The entire broadcast interview of Pepe Escobar is filled with the behind the scenes meeting in St.Petersberg with most of the world countries with the exception of the NATO EUROPEAN WEST and the United States who self excluded. Apparently a harmonic world philosophy of Tao and Confucius permeated the convention ending in a powerpacked speech by Putin.

Half way through this amazing behind the scenes interview of what went on in St. Petersberg Pepe and Danny brought up the Israel/Gaza genocide. It saddens us all to reveal that with all this positive motion for a new Multipolar, Multinodal, Polycentric Harmonic world based on traditional philosophical principles that there is a black hole obstruction to the unfolding of this new world…Israel/US GAZA genocide. Pepe was SAD to reveal that all the countries of the world are paralysed, even impotent to take action against Israel/US due to the fact that Israel and the US are insanely aggressive to the point that the world powers that are unifying think that Israel/US would strike with Nuclear weapon in a heartbeat as they watch NATO/and US provoke Russia. This is an interview for the real thinkers.

Legislation introduced to prevent AI from launching nuclear weapons (WOW…so it must be a possiblity)

In the name of “protecting future generations from potentially devastating consequences,” a bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday introduced legislation meant to prevent artificial intelligence from launching nuclear weapons without meaningful human control.

The Block Nuclear Launch by Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Act—introduced by Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), Don Beyer (D-Va.), and Ken Buck (R-Colo.)—asserts that “any decision to launch a nuclear weapon should not be made” by AI.

The proposed legislation acknowledges that the Pentagon’s 2022 Nuclear Posture Review states that current U.S. policy is to “maintain a human ‘in the loop’ for all actions critical to informing and executing decisions by the president to initiate and terminate nuclear weapon employment.”

Planned Map of Post Russia…NO MORE RUSSIA

Planned Map of Post Russia…NO MORE RUSSIA (years in the planning by the West)

Gunther Fehlinger, Chairman of the Austria NATO non-governmental organization (NGO), publicly revealed today, the West’s “plan” for Russia: Broken-up into 41 new, autonomous countries! There wouldn’t BE a “Russia” anymore. Russia’s response was simple: If there isn’t going to be a Russia anymore, then there isn’t going to be a Europe or USA, either. World War 3 is officially on its way.

The revelation of this map is literal PROOF that it is the actual intention of the West to do-away with Russia.    By even manufacturing such a map, the West has shown its intent.   Russia now faces an ACTUAL existential threat.  Their very existence is at stake.

Think about the time and effort that was necessary to research the populations and ethnicities in each of these areas, where they are, and how to draw actual lines along the geography of the demographics, to create this vision of new, autonomous, countries.  The research and planning alone had to take . . .  YEARS.

Now that the map is actually out, and the entire world can see that the West has literally been planning for YEARS to completely do-away with Russia, we can all now see that the situation with Ukraine was intentionally manufactured BY THE WEST to provide the impetus to set in-motion, their nefarious plans.

Here is Gunther Fehlinger and the West’s (suicidal) map of a world without Russia:

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