Whiteout Press
Sun, 07 Jul 2013 22:36 CDT
Washington. In case readers missed it with all the coverage of the Trayvon Martin murder trial and the Supreme Court’s rulings on gay marriage and the Voting Rights Act, the US Supreme Court also made a ruling on lawsuits against drug companies for fraud, mislabeling, side effects and accidental death. From now on, 80 percent of all drugs are exempt from legal liability.
In a 5-4 vote, the US Supreme Court struck down a lower court’s ruling and award for the victim of a pharmaceutical drug’s adverse reaction. According to the victim and the state courts, the drug caused a flesh-eating side effect that left the patient permanently disfigured over most of her body. The adverse reaction was hidden by the drug maker and later forced to be included on all warning labels. But the highest court in the land ruled that the victim had no legal grounds to sue the corporation because its drugs are exempt from lawsuits. Read more…
FDA Response: FDA seeks to change the rules and make generic drug companies update warnings:
News for FDA wants to change ruling for generic …
Generic Drug Makers Will Soon Face The Regulatory Music
Forbes - 6 days agoGeneric companies cannot make such additions unless the FDA orders … But the FDA Rule could simply change the governing law and thereby … They’re anyone who happens to own a computer and wants to warn his or her …
FDA moves to allow updates of generic drug warnings – USA Today
www.usatoday.com/story/news/2013/07/04/fda–generic…/2489309/Jul 4, 2013 – Generic manufacturers can only change product labeling if ordered by the … The FDA said the proposed new rule would make generic and …
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