: more than 2,000 babies died in the United States after receiving the pneumococcal and Hib vaccines . Yet, unlike Japan who banned the vaccines after four infant deaths, US authorities refuse to warn parents and halt production. Read more… The lack of informing physicians and the public is reminiscent of the 2,500% increase in VAERS reports of abortions after pregnant women were injected with the H1N1 shot in the 2009/10 flu season
The baby with the needles illustration is on my website (www.drcarley.com), is my intellectual property. It has been hijacked by hundreds of people, with no credit to myself. Worse yet, the attacks I have suffered by the medical mafia because I have stepped out of the box after my only son was brain damaged from vaccines is being ignored by these thieves. Worse yet, the protocol I have developed which has reversed over 4,000 cases of autism, as well as all other vaccine induced disease (which include all auto-immune diseases, non-traumatic seizures, cancer & genetic damages, in people & in pets), is not being relayed to the public.
Rebecca Carley, MD
Court Qualified Expert in Vaccine Induced Diseses (the biggest epidemic the world has ever known)