Dr. Caplan’s primary premises, for purposes of the parental liability question, are essentially that: 1) Unvaccinated children put others at risk, 2) Unvaccinated children, as such, cause actual harm to others, and 3) Non-vaccinating parents know these first two premises, and should, therefore, be held liable for the harm caused by their failure to get their children vaccinated. I. The Real Ethical Issue
Dr. Caplan’s concern puts the cart before the horse. He has missed the target, a far more fundamental ethical question underlying his position, by mistakenly assuming that parents who refuse vaccines for their children are necessarily negligent for doing so. But the matter is not nearly so simple. Given the medically and legally established fact that vaccines cause permanent disability and death,[2] no parent can be reasonably categorized as “negligent” for choosing not to vaccinate their child. The real ethical question, then, is not whether or not parents should be held liable for their choice not to vaccinate, but instead, whether or not parents should be required to place their children at risk of vaccine injury or death in the first place. Read further…
Excuse me, it should be spelled “liable” and not “liabel”.
Now that would be interesting, because in order to prove culpability, they would have to prove that the viral infection came from that particular child, not any random unvaccinated child. NOT POSSIBLE…. There is no legal argument that would survive proper evidentiary procedures… and the lack of evidentiary procedures would wipe out any liability ruling on appeal at the very least.
Seems they didn’t teach Dr. Philips even the most rudimentary principles of law.
Szczepienia nie służą ochronie zdrowia dzieci, a wręcz przeciwnie, służą pozbawieniu naturalnej odporności oraz dla kontroli umysłów, która stosuje sie przez podawanie dzieciom różnych niebezpiecznych składników np. szczepionki z rtęcią, to przyczyna róznych schorzeń i zatrucia umysłu dzieci i młodzieży.