I’m sick of forcing my kids to be the govts guinnea pigs! we should ALWAYS have a choice on what we put in OUR bodies!
cia parker
Kaylenne Matten would be a happy, healthy first-grader today if she had not gotten the flu vaccine on Dec. 2. Vaxers say it was just an unfortunate coincidence that she somehow contracted a deadly unrelated disease at the same time she got the flu vaccine, but I frankly don’t think many believe them.
The flu vaccine has killed and paralyzed many of those who get it, especially since it’s now in many cases mandated yearly for everyone over six months. It has caused the rate of Alzheimer’s to be twenty times higher than it was in 1980, due to the accumulation of the aluminum in the vaccine in the brain (as well as the mercury which is still in the standard flu vaccine).
My daughter is autistic from having reacted to the hep-B vaccine at birth with four days and nights of screaming, vaccine-induced encephalitis. I had both arms paralyzed by a tetanus booster, and later developed M.S., another “rare” vaccine reaction.
The idea of making it harder for people to refuse the very real danger of vaccines is ludicrous, and can only be explained by Big Pharma’s desire to recoup the losses suffered in debacles such as the Vioxx recall.
Pingback: AnneDachel.com » Blog Archive » (NVIC) Vermont: 7 year old dies 92 hours after flu shot/Vermont to remove philosophical exemption
I’m sick of forcing my kids to be the govts guinnea pigs! we should ALWAYS have a choice on what we put in OUR bodies!
Kaylenne Matten would be a happy, healthy first-grader today if she had not gotten the flu vaccine on Dec. 2. Vaxers say it was just an unfortunate coincidence that she somehow contracted a deadly unrelated disease at the same time she got the flu vaccine, but I frankly don’t think many believe them.
The flu vaccine has killed and paralyzed many of those who get it, especially since it’s now in many cases mandated yearly for everyone over six months. It has caused the rate of Alzheimer’s to be twenty times higher than it was in 1980, due to the accumulation of the aluminum in the vaccine in the brain (as well as the mercury which is still in the standard flu vaccine).
My daughter is autistic from having reacted to the hep-B vaccine at birth with four days and nights of screaming, vaccine-induced encephalitis. I had both arms paralyzed by a tetanus booster, and later developed M.S., another “rare” vaccine reaction.
The idea of making it harder for people to refuse the very real danger of vaccines is ludicrous, and can only be explained by Big Pharma’s desire to recoup the losses suffered in debacles such as the Vioxx recall.