Tag Archives: 4 month old

Healthy 4 month old infant dies 48 hours after vaccination


Violet Lorraine Kiest Died 48 Hours After Her 4-Month-Old Vaccines

Violet Lorraine Kiest Died 48 Hours After Her 4-Month-Old Vaccines – We Must Stop This Slaughter!

Alexandra Kiest shares her heartbreak with us…

She was already four and a half months old, so we were a little bit behind for her four month vaccine round. She screamed when they gave the vaccines. I wish I would have known the dangers of these toxic shots before that doctor’s visit. I think about that day and how I wish I could go back and choose to not vaccinate. The person trained to give vaccinations at the US Air Force Base, where we lived, told us that if Violet’s fever reached 102 degrees, to take her to the emergency room (ER). I thought, “Okay, that won’t happen.” About 6-8 hours later, we were in the ER with Violet, with a fever of 103.4 degrees.  READ MORE…



Tennessee (June, 2015) 4 Month-Old Infant Passed Away After Given 7 Vaccines


Parents in Memphis, Tennessee, are mourning the loss of their baby girl Ja’Liyah Cortize Turner, after she passed away in her sleep, less than four days after receiving seven vaccines. Her mother Quavia felt pressured into getting her daughter further vaccinated, even though she didn’t want to, because her daughter had a bad reaction from the round of vaccines given to her earlier.  Ja’Liyah’s autopsy report did not mention the vaccines even though she still had the knots on her legs at the injection sites. Her cause of death was ruled “Unknown, Undetermined.” The autopsy stated Ja’Liyah had no significant medical history contributing to her death. Yet, it is very significant Ja’Liyah had just received seven vaccines four days earlier.

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