Tag Archives: Emord

Vaccinology: An overall view!


An attorney in the FDA Chief Counsel’s office regarding a court order to FDA made this really shocking statement, “Jonathan, the FDA will never abide by the Pearson decision.”2

Despite Jonathan’s noting it was a final and binding decision—an order of the court—the FDA attorney said, “That may be so, but I am telling you the FDA will never abide by that court decision, never, ever.”3   Emord tells us, “His words pierced to the very core of my being. Here was an agency’s legal officer telling me that the agency was, intentionally, lawless.”

While child mortality progressively declined across all countries, mortality in the US has been higher than in peer nations since the 1980s. From 2001 to 2010 the risk of death in the US was 76 percent greater for infants and 57 percent greater for children ages 1–19.

A rogue industry out of control due to the U.S. Congress in 1986 bailing out the pharmaceutical industry because of a ‘boatload’ of lawsuits against their vaccines. Big Pharma threatened not to make any more vaccines, if it didn’t get product liability legal exemptions for damages from their vaccines.

It’s rather interesting that Big Pharma wanted, threatened and obtained their vaccine exemptions, but humans, parents, children and pets cannot have exemptions!  What happened to a level playing field?

As a result, the pharmaceutical industry is falling all over itself in a rush to produce close to 300 new vaccines. Does that mean the CDC/FDA will mandate a vaccine a day for everyone in the USA?  That should be considered criminal: Injecting neurotoxins which have not been tested for safety when given in combinations of up to nine vaccines at one time, especially to 4 and 6 month old babies!

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