Tag Archives: flu

Equine flu outbreaks: Only in horses that were vaccinated against the flu

Equine flu outbreak forces British racing shutdown, raises fears for famous Cheltenham Festival


Vaccination against equine influenza is mandatory for all racehorses and equines used competitively for other sports like showjumping.

The particular concern with the current outbreak is that the horses which tested positive were vaccinated against the disease. Read more…


A 2016 study by UCLA and the University of Arizona showed that “the first influenza attack a child suffers can affect the way their lifelong immunity to the virus builds up.” Specifically, exposure to a wild influenza virus (meaning infection, not immunization by vaccine) provided “75% protection against severe infection and 80% protection against death for related flu viruses.”



Cochrane Report on Flu deaths and the flu vaccines

Excerpt: More recently, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have proposed estimates of impact ranging between 3,000 and 49,000 yearly deaths. When actual death certificates are tallied, influenza deaths on average are little more than 1,000 yearly. So, the actual threat is unknown (but likely to be small) and so is the estimation of the impact of vaccination.

In healthy adult trials a high serological response is matched by a very small clinical effect (71 healthy adults need to be vaccinated to prevent one of them experiencing influenza). This weak effect cannot be explained simply by the mismatch of vaccine antigens with wild virus ones. A larger effect is observed in children over the age of two (five children need to be vaccinated to prevent one case of influenza, although there is huge uncertainty around these estimates). There is little evidence on prevention of complications, transmission, or time off work. Other reviews have drawn similar conclusions.5


Study shows flu shot makes people more vulnerable to the flu in subsequent years

(Natural News) A medical study conducted at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that women who received flu vaccines had a weakened immune system response in subsequent years.

Lisa Christian, PhD, the lead researcher on the study, concluded, “Growing evidence shows that those who received a flu shot in the prior year have lower antibody responses in the current year.”

The study proves yet again that the official narrative of the flu shot industry — and its complicit corporate-run media — is false and deliberately deceptive. Far from offering bulletproof protection, flu shots actually make people more vulnerable to influenza infections, which of course contributes to more people catching the flu and then falsely thinking they need more flu shots for “more protection.

People who had a 2008 flu shot experienced a 250% increase in influenza infections in subsequent years.

A study published in Human & Environmental Toxicology found that mercury-laced flu vaccines caused a 4,250 percent increase in fetal deaths during the 2009 flu season.

Animals: Jumping species-DOG FLU-vaccines


VLA COMMENT:  I remember this flu outbreak in dogs caught my eye in 2004.  I got the hit then that there was some experimentation going on…and the racing greyhound track was a perfect place to experiment.  That is my opinion…another pharmaceutical experimentation.  Now we have the flu vaccine for dogs.  Perhaps it will come to a point where you can’t get your dog into an animal hospital without he/she getting a flu shot first, like they are doing with humans.

For dogs to get the influenza shot, they have to be at least 6 weeks old. Most veterinarians will suggest the two-shot vaccine be given three weeks apart. The booster shot should be administered once a year for maximum efficiency.

Propaganda “Most dogs who have the vaccination will not experience any negative effects, Arlington Animal Hospital wrote. If there is an adverse reaction, small-breed dogs are the most at risk for a side effect. The most common is fatigue. Other possible symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory distress, facial swelling, pale gums and pain at the injection site. There is a chance a dog could go into an anaphylactic event, which would need immediate medical attention.

(EXCERPT) Natural distribution (notice the recent dates)

A Parvovirus outbreak in Queensland, Australia, has killed dozens of dogs since September 2014. Pictured: A dog in Chicago, United States, wears a protective mask.

The first recognized outbreak of H3N8 canine influenza occurred in racing greyhounds in January 2004 at a track in Florida. From June to August of 2004, outbreaks of respiratory disease were reported at 14 tracks in 6 states (Florida, Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, and Kansas). Between January and May of 2005, outbreaks occurred at 20 tracks in 11 states (Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Arizona, West Virginia, Kansas, Iowa, Colorado, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts). Since then, the H3N8 canine influenza has been documented in 40 states and Washington, DC. The H3N8 strain of canine influenza virus is endemic in areas of Colorado, Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania.

The first recognized U.S. outbreak of H3N2 canine influenza occurred in 2015, starting in Chicago and spreading to otherr Midwestern states. Since March 2015, outbreaks have occurred in a number of areas throughout the U.S. and more than 2,000 dogs have been confirmed positive for the H3N2 virus. READ MORE…

Government pays compensation to 80 flu vaccine injuries and deaths


(NaturalNews) (Republished from VaccineImpact.com) The December 2014 report from the Department of Justice on damages paid by the U.S. Government to vaccine victims was recently published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources. There were 180 cases of vaccine injuries decided. 134 cases received compensation, while 46 cases were denied.

Most of the U.S. public is unaware that a U.S. citizen, by law, cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for damages resulting from vaccines. Congress gave them total legal immunity in 1986, and that law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011. There is a special “vaccine court” called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that is funded through a tax on vaccines. If you are injured or killed by a vaccine, you must hire an attorney and fight tax-funded government attorneys to seek damages, as you cannot sue the drug manufacturers. Read more…

Prolonged Flu – Establishment Caused Epidemic (spanish & english)


A new prolonged viral disease of the respiratory system, other organs and systems. Caused by the influenza vaccine.

The New Influenza Epidemic
A new viral prolonged disease of the respiratory system, other organs and systems. It is produced by the combination of the influenza vaccine virus (prolonged influenza) and the common influenza virus. Go to website…

Breaking News: NYC-Parents lose-flu vaccine now mandated for pre school children

Baby-VaccineNEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Children who go to preschool or day care in New York City will now be required to get flu shots. Despite organized opposition of parents, the Board of Health voted unanimously Wednesday in favor of the mandatory vaccine for children under 6 years old. The new rule takes effect in 30 days and will be required for about 150,000 children. Read more…

It is recommended that you apply for a religious exemption (not a philosophical exemption).

For expert help in applying for a religious exemption contact attorney Alan Philips: Attorney@vaccinerights.com

VLA comment:  First of all, this is another example of how the establishment blows off the people.  Sallie Elkordy led a well organized fight to prevent this from happening but the establishment doesn’t care what we think even if we have a million man walk. I would like to know how many kids in the past ten years per pre school class died of the flu that would warrant this. In other words, no proof, no science, no statistics that warrant this except that the government gets nearly $1.00 (paid by the consumer) to its coffers every time a vaccine is given.  I would like to see how many people died from flu/pneumonia in the hospitals all these years and compare them with the patients now who are under the care of vaccinated health professionals.  Having pushed HEALTHCARE WORKERS  into accepting the flu shot, the establishment now recommends that healthcare workers get 6 vaccines of multiple vaccines  (up to 16 doses). For expert help in resisting vaccine mandates for healthcare workers contact attorney Alan Philips: Attorney@vaccinerights.com


