Tag Archives: gender
Transgender girl….adorable…and so smart
This short film is certainly a testimony of the reality of a physiological boy who identifies as a girl in this Christian family.
VLA Comment:
Transgender identity; homosexuality, in many observations, is a result of toxic agriculture causing hormonal disruption in the growing fetus. In Italy and Greece, it was the metal lead, as a hormonal disruptor, in the plumbing of the rich that caused the wave of homosexuality in those countries. Documented extensively by the late Peter Montague of Rachel’s Hazzardous newsletter, homosexuality and now the advanced burden of gender dysphoria has its roots in toxic agriculture. Virtually no one is looking to the Cause.
Texas Court Orders Father to Raise His Son as a Transsexual
Texas: A religious Orthodox Christian father, Jeff Younger, is legally prohibited from raising his son as a boy, under threat of imprisonment, because his ex-wife , who is a pediatrician, claimed their son is a transgender girl. She now is preparing the boy for “chemical castration” at age 8″ and a future sex change surgery, which the father may be forced to help pay for. The boy has a twin brother who is being raised as a boy. Mr. Younger claims that his son has been misdiagnosed with gender dysphoria. READ MORE…
Gender bending chemicals are everywhere, literally impossible to avoid. They act as endocrine disruptors (EDs) that block, decrease, or overstimulate hormones. Most commonly, EDs mimic estrogen, lower testosterone and prevent the male hormone from doing its job, causing males to exhibit more female traits. The resulting hormonal imbalances may be at the root of disturbing worldwide trends for males that include delayed puberty, falling sperm counts, shrinking size of genitals, far fewer boys with far more genital deformities being born than ever before, and a rise in gender fluidity as boys are increasingly feminized. A similar effect is seen across the planet in wildlife, with reports of a rise in hermaphrodite amphibians, male fish developing eggs in their testicles and complete sex change in species with ED exposure. Governmental-industrial alliances have unleashed weapons of mass feminization throughout Planet Earth, involving all inhabitants in a dangerous and uncontrolled experiment whose results point to a dystopian future, the likes of which make Soylent Green look tame.
VLA COMMENT: In the early 90s Rachel’s Hazardous Newsletter warned us about “hormonal disruptors” such as Atrazine which is still used today in farming despite the warnings. The newsletter said that male sperm count was down 50% since 1945 and that the male determines male on three critical days in the first trimester of pregnancy.