Tag Archives: hpv

HPV Gardasil Personal Story of Vaccine Injury: Alicia’s story



When I was 20 years old, I was working as a certified pharmacy technician. I was very healthy, athletic and active. I looked forward to my future. Before Gardasil I was a healthy, independent student looking forward to life on my own. Instead my social life became almost non-existent. My future plans diminished due to my inability to earn a full-time wage. Fainting episodes meant I could not spend any time alone. My entire life was altered tremendously. Read Alicia’s  story…

Gardasil Vaccine Fraud by Dr. Whitaker

Wisconsin Mom: Did HPV Vaccine Kill my 12 year old daughter?

Wisconsin mom: ‘Did HPV vaccine kill my 12-year-old daughter?’

Meredith Prohaska, of Waukesha, had a sore throat on the morning of July 30. Her mom took her to the doctor. During that visit, she was given the HPV vaccine, which guards against the common sexually transmitted virus that may cause cervical cancer.

About 30 minutes later, on the way home, Meredith became sleepy, her mom said. The girl napped most of the afternoon.

Rebecca Prohaska went out for food and returned to find Meredith on the floor, with purple lips and no pulse.

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Read excellent commentary on why the establishment keeps on pushing this deadly vaccine on VacTruth.com

Wisconsin sisters say HPV vaccine caused ovaries to stop producing eggs

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Wisconsin sisters say HPV vaccine caused ovaries to stop producing eggs
Madelyne Meylor, 20, and Olivia Meylor, 19, have filed a federal claim, saying they believe the Gardasil vaccine caused their condition. The Meylors say they have had premature menopause, marked by insomnia, night sweats and headaches, and most likely won’t be able to get pregnant.

HPV Vaccine for 11 year olds…OBSCENE CDC PROPAGANDA

VLA Comment: This CDC propaganda is OBSCENE. Our video GARDASIL PRIMER explains that out of the hundred HPV strains that most sexually active gals get…almost all are SELF CLEARING. The CDC used to push this on young women but found that if a sexually active woman (who has most likely gotten a strain and self cleared) are given this vaccine there is a 44.6 % increase in the chances they would develop cancerous lesions. That is why they are now pushing it on 11-12 year olds.

Read Activist Post…

Tokoyo Times: Japanese experiencing nearly 2000 HPV vaccine adverse events in young girls

gardasilParents began calling the country’s health minister and furnishing videos in which girls who had received the HPV vaccine suffered from walking disturbances, body tics and seizures. In other cases many girls injected with the vaccine fell to the floor, injuring their head or face and some fracturing their jaw or teeth,” Judicial Watch reported.

The damage payments of nearly $6 million covered only some of the 200 claims that have been filed to date.