Tag Archives: Science of Phamacogenetics

Mass Shootings

Pharmaceutical Murder – Mass Shootings Caused by Drugs!

Twenty-seven drug regulatory agency warnings cite psychiatric drug side effects of mania, psychosis, violence and homicidal ideation; 1,531 cases of psychiatric drug induced homicide/homicidal ideation have been reported to the US FDA; 65 high profile cases of mass shootings/murder have been committed by individuals under the influence of these drugs, yet there has never been a federal investigation into the link between seemingly senseless acts of violence and the use of mind-altering psychotropic drugs.


From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?

While mass killers generally have guns in their hands, another commonality is that they often have psychiatric drugs in their blood. The difference, though, is that it isn’t guns that have the side effect of “homicidal ideation.”

New American article

VLA COMMENT:  There is “science” on this.  It is in the field of pharmacogenetic.pharmacokinetics.  These drugs show in their package insert that they are metabolized through the super family of liver enzymes called Cytochrome P450. 10% of Caucasians, for example, cannot metabolize upwards of 50% of today’s common psyche drugs.  These people are called “non-metabolizers”.  The pharmacuetical industry has blocked the movement to “test” each patient for their metabolizm prior to prescribing drugs.  The have also blocked education in pharmacokinetics aimed at the nation’s medical students.  Considering every doctor including pediatricians who prescribe psyche drugs to children as young as one year old and considering the extensive use to all demographics, we must include pharmacogenetics as a required continuing education course.  See: www.SSRIStories.net for the lists of suicides and homicides associated with prescription drugs.

We don’t understand why the activists that are exposing the association of pharmacueticals to the homicides and suicides are not explaining the science.   Put Cytochrome P450 into our search engine for more information.

Furthermore, Cytochrome P450 is not “mature” until a child is at least 3 years old.  All infants have immature liver enzyme function. Yet they are injected at birth and during their early years with excipients that need a fully functioning Cytochrome P450.  In other words, we are poisoning all incoming generations of humanity, as they are not able to detoxify the excipients found in early childhood vaccines.  Put “Infants” in our search engine.  Put CDC excipentsin our search engine to see the CDC list of excipients in vaccines.

2nd Amendment WARNING:

Every child who is vaccinated are being injured by the excipients in the vaccines, including heavy metal aluminum and mercury which interfere in Cytochrome P450 metabolism.  The damage shows up an neurological problems, regressive autism and is being diagnosed as “mental illness”.  Without testing for metabolism these recipients of vaccines appear via the Diagnostic Statisical Manual as “mental illness”.  Those who seek to destroy the second amendment will do so by funded and required mental illness testing in school.

Already 25% of American children are on some form of psyche drugs. This translates into 25% of the future population being red flagged and dissallowed gun ownership.  However, rightfully so, as due to the vaccine schedule currently of 49 vaccine doses by the age of three, these kids are damaged.

Psychiatric drugs are now being given to infants and toddlers in unprecedented numbers.

An analysis of 2013 IMS Data, found that over 274,000 infants (0-1 year olds) and some 370,000 toddlers (1-3 years age) in the U.S. were on antianxiety (e.g. Xanax) and antidepressant (e.g. Prozac) drugs. This report also found over 1,400 infants were on ADHD drugs.

A 2014 Georgia Medicaid analyses led by Susanna Visser at the CDC (see a video of her fascinating talk) when extrapolated nationwide by the New York Times found that over 10,000 toddlers were put on ADHD treatments. (Dr. Visser is currently working on national estimates but believes that the estimate from the Georgia data is conservative.)


VLA COMMENT: What are the chances that the gun owners, politicians, Pres. Trump realize that the solution to the mass shooting is not to ban guns but to stop poisoning infants who are subsequently prescribed drugs that they cannot metabolize; have suicidal and homicidal ideations; commit heinous acts of mass shootings.

This is the “Science if Pharmacokinetics”